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Everything posted by Pauly

  1. Welcome. Where do you normally ride? We have a plethora of twisty riders on this forum.
  2. In the field of psychology, the Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with low ability at a task overestimate their ability. It is related to the cognitive bias of illusory superiority and comes from the inability of people to recognize their lack of ability.
  3. This is my home court, broseph. If anyone fucks off, it will be you. I hold the launch codes.
  4. Aah.. now it makes sense. We did the shutdown to keep our hospital system from complete collapse under the weight of that insignificant number you say doesn't matter. This is a basic "lack of resource" situation. Masks work and help curb the rush. Americans just won't wear them. I have seen enough cities this year to see a vast difference in political position. Americans are fucking weird.
  5. I rode it on the gravel roads in Coshocton. The new tires are better on road than I expected. Nowhere near comfortable as the Anakee, but I can street these and keep pace. I might not try to carry as much speed in a sweeper, but they transition switchbacks fairly well. They're loud..like, I can always hear them. Freeway or 35mph.. they be hummin. Also, I can feel them jiggle when I wiggle. If I push the front hard, the bike holds its line, but it's dancing the electric boogaloo during entry. If I change my riding style, it gets better. I usually take corners at 90⁰ (figuratively, but you get it) and gas hard coming out. These are not those kind of tires. Overall... they're neat, but probably overkill for my current stage in ADV. No regrets, cause they look aces on the bike.
  6. Lastly, how much of this bullshit do I have to participate in before one of you old timers challenge me in all aspects of life? That is my MO at the moment. Quarantine makes me twitchy.
  7. @jeepenvyguy.. You realize wearing a mask keeps you from expelling droplets onto public usage items.. like, doors and chairs and shit, right? Someone doesn't have to vomit covid down your throat to catch it. It is highly contagious and not everyone is as lucky as you. Congrats on blood doaning. That is noble, but your hangups about the mask is confounding. I think you mean well, but you are advocating directly against the advice of medical professionals. Are you on their level? Because, if you aren't inside their boundaries of education and intellect required to obtain and execute usage of said education, you're quite full of yourself.
  8. I most appreciate the use of the word "fear" over "common-courtesy". I am not afraid...but I do travel a ton and I try to be respectful of everyone I meet. It isn't fear that drives the mask. It's self-respect and basic human decency. I mean... damn. Talk about missing the point by a landslide.
  9. I couldn't care less what his political leanings are. If you put "personal common sense" above clinical medical science... you're a fucking moron. Plus, Wtf does gender have to do with anything? He brought up a topic we weren't discussing because he has no solid ground from which to spew his idiocy. Any first-year psychology student can see through his veil of uneducated hogwash. I didn't dare say his mask of hogwash. That would have been too easy.
  10. Jinu, you are a confused, scared little sheep.
  11. For those here not too stupid to comprehend basic english and pictures... https://hartfordhealthcare.org/about-us/news-press/news-detail?articleid=27691&publicId=395 https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/coronavirus-face-masks-what-you-need-to-know
  12. https://fox8.com/news/coronavirus/summit-county-raised-to-red-level-for-coronavirus-risk-outbreak-tied-to-fraternal-club/
  13. Poor guy. Downed cables never crossed my mind.
  14. https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/515453-sturgis-motorcycle-rally-was-superspreading-event-that-cost-public 266,000 COVID-19 cases tied to Stuuuuuuhuuuuurgis.
  15. Wait for them to buy it and then rob them. F'n newb.
  16. Ordered a new Anakee rear, because I missed my off-road trip and now I am planning a street ride. I need 2 wheelsets.
  17. 78, 377, 556, 536, 26, 260, 800
  18. January, I believe. I rode it home from the dealership in the snow.
  19. I was riding in December and January.
  20. Nope. I got that baby for a song. It still has another decade of riding ahead of it.
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