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Everything posted by Pauly

  1. Mitas E07 Dakars on the way. $270/set to my door means I can afford to ride this giant, tire-gobbling behemoth of a bike... and buy groceries. Am a fan.
  2. They're correct. When I said "considerably", I meant somewhere in the ballpark of .010". I know. I have issues.
  3. Welcome and stuff. The Africa Twin is a cool bike. Congrats and speed safe.
  4. @Skinny guy, Jason and I rode 555 last week. It had been a while. Took it all the way to 7 and then sat in construction traffic for 20 minutes. Do yourself the favor and double back once you hit the bottom.
  5. The pics in my post were weirding me out, so I readjusted the risers in an attempt to have aesthetically pleasing pinch gaps. I noticed the left riser has considerably more gap than the right. That is the difference between $400 Wunderlich risers and this $125 set.
  6. New saddle for the Voyager. It was beyond time for an upgrade. I wanted to send the factory seat in for a custom build, but 50% of the saddle users couldn't tell me what they wanted in a saddle. At the very least, this saddle gives me more data to make the next move..if need be. At the very best, this saddle sees this FRB through 70k miles of new adventures with me at the wheel. Other than fuel range and the nuclear furnace under my balls, this bike is really awesome to ride..and far cheaper than anything able to take its place. This saddle is a bit higher than factory, but I think that is mostly because it doesn't squash like the OEM saddle. I could feel the seat pan 20 minutes into a ride on that one.
  7. Installed Rox risers and a Touratech sport saddle. This gets me closer to off-road action. Had to reroute the cable bundles to the outside of the fork legs, bit that was easier than the riser install. The saddle is 1.5" lower than factory height. This will make a difference for physical control and a little confidence booster for mental control. I think knobbies are in order next go around.
  8. https://www.ucdavis.edu/coronavirus/news/your-mask-cuts-own-risk-65-percent/
  9. Mine hides under my grill cover. They must be related.
  10. I heard a chap in WV spout this gem today... "Wearing a mask 4 months after an outbreak is like wearing a condom to a baby shower." Poor fucking idiot is actually convinced he is intelligent.
  11. Sonuvabich.. I DO NOT want to make a FB account.
  12. 100⁰+ temps doing manual labor in a stuffy elevator shaft is how I spent May and June in a mask. If I can do it and not suffocate, Ohio soccer moms will survive. It's unfortunate that it had to be mandated, but that's the way the cookie crumbles.
  13. My cats are miserable, too. Poor little bastards.
  14. They turn red the harder you beat them.
  15. https://khn.org/news/lost-on-the-frontline-health-care-worker-death-toll-covid19-coronavirus/ "Totes not contagious, tho..." -some guy at a mall.
  16. Yeah... Democrats suck. Perhaps I will sit this one out. Seems to be a game one is unable to win.
  17. Yeah.. In the beginning I was also impressed with the president's actions. I was convinced I was voting for Trump all the way into May & June. His most recent about-face and dismissal of the situation is where he lost me, but I will make a deal with you. I will wait for the second half of this video before I cast my vote.
  18. Oh, before op thinks I am ragging his ride... totes not doing that. Just cracking Tim's sesame seeds. Your bike looks dope. Congrats and speed safe.
  19. You should ride mine. I have a step ladder you can borrow.
  20. The blame lands solely on the president. It is his role to lead the nation. He hasn't been passively causing harm. He has actively subverted science and testing to whatever agenda they want to pretend doesn't exist. Our leadership is laughable. When we let morons do dumb shit that endangers themselves, that is called freedom. When we let morons do dumb shit that endangers the infrastructure of our healthcare system, that is called enabling. That is a huge red flag that shines a bright light on the maturity level of the American public. All the president had to do was put on the damn mask, get on the damn television and tell the American people that he knows this shit sucks. "I knows its hella inconvenient and makes this year suck royal balls. Like it, or not, a shitstorm of suck is heading our way. No, we did not create it. Yes, China fucking sucks. However, if we would like to avoid the worst of the shitstorm, then we need to come together and fight this on a united front. Pretending this isn't a big deal is irresponsible and I will not allow any Americans to die needlessly as a result of the apathy of ignorance and greed." Economy saved to the very best of American ability and efforts. Americans united for the first time in his presidency. Flatter curve on the spread. He would have my vote come November. Discounting a very real threat is dangerous leadership and not something that should be dismissed due to the stock market figures. Working within this threat is how we overcome it. This is the new normal, at least for the next few months. People need to get that shit through their thick skulls and stop making petty excuses for not helping out.
  21. Probably anyone lame enough to equate a Suzuki SV with a Ducati anything. And I would ride a 650SV. Those things are a hoot. They're just like real motorcycles.
  22. Get your faggy science out of here, pal.
  23. Oh, snap... why couldn't I make the connection?
  24. I am sure sweet baby jesus will protect all of god's children too ignorant to educate themselves on the science of viral spread and mutation. Sure would be nice if I had a talking donkey to tell me what to do. Oh, wait...we already elected one.
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