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Posts posted by SpecialEd

  1. 1 minute ago, redkow97 said:

    I’m really optimistic right now. Physical activity is suddenly much harder, but if this is the most i ever recover, i’ll Survive. 

    Confident that i’m Too stubborn to be very limited. 

    Glad to have been diagnosed so quickly. In hindsight, i have likely been having symptoms for almost 2 years, but with only one pretty minor relaps in September 2018, when they thought i had Bell’s palsy.

    One of the wonderful things about being human is the ability and drive to adapt to adversity. Your *stubborn* gene will help you do this. You know we are all behind you and hope you continue to post regularly.

  2. 47 minutes ago, redkow97 said:


    The whole thing has been a big shock, but i’m Taking it in stride. Girlfriend and her family are tremendously supportive, and i’m Not one to let this get me down.  

    I am very glad that you have the support of these people. As you say, it's been a big shock--I certainly get that. I know a few people who have MS, and they have found a way to manage it.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Best to do whatever it is to relax while this shitstorm is taking place until it blows over. Be mindful that it won't last forever. Do what you can to be calm. Lay in supplies of yer favorite stuff. Sleep well. Pray for divine guidance if you are so inclined. Know that this will pass, and that life will continue, most likely including your own!

  4. 5 minutes ago, Tonik said:

    If 100K people stay home from work as non-essential....but 10k if them get jobs at the grocery store there are still 90k off the streets. Essential jobs created will not be anywhere near the number on non-essential jobs shut down.

    Plus the number of social contacts per day is greatly diminished. When I went to work I interacted at the gas station for snaks in the morning and then somewhere for lunch....then groceries on the way home.

    2 of those three are now eliminated.

    Just be sure, as always, to wash hands after handling ANYTHING, including snacks at the gas station, and groceries handled at the store after you arrive home. Don't forget the mail--wash hands after retrieving from the box.

  5. 3 minutes ago, snot said:

    This makes zero sense.... Only essential can work, rest go home and shelter.... But, we need more people to work at all the essential places that are hiring.

    So, I can't do my trade because I might contract Covid-19. But I can work at an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people doing a job I know little about.

    Why am I home?

    So don't work here... Work here.

    Stay inside but go outside for excersizing.

    Jen, calm yourself. Yeah, there are contradictions. Be cool, and don't excessively watch media reports. Don't go to work if you are able. Shelter, read, take naps, work out at home as best you can, talk with your hubby, cook, sleep. This is an unprecedented situation. We will be fine after we comply with the restrictions imposed by those who know.

    • Upvote 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, 2talltim said:

    Anyone else have trouble listening to Dr. Amy Acton? Her monotone voice is just really hard for me to listen to. Maybe it's the eco in chamber they are broadcasting from but I litetlly can't take more than 5 min of her. I know I know #firstworldproblems

    I know what you mean. She has a breathy voice to begin with, but today's audio was turned up way too high on the statehouse's side. Both DeWine's and Acton's voices were overmodulated, causing their speech to be just slightly (and irritatingly) garbled. If you aren't aware of just how horrible Dr. Acton's childhood was, please visit her Wiki page. She was actually living in a tent for a while. Amazing she was able to rise to the professional level she has attained.

  7. 9 minutes ago, snot said:

    Nope.. No bars... And soon no liquor if the media keeps pushing the issue.

    One thing I will not go without during all this shelter-in-place bullshit is booze. I heard today during DeWine's press conference that Pennsylvania has apparently closed up all their liquor stores. A week ago, I picked up a good supply of Skyy vodka for my wife and bourbon for me. This is no time for a temperance movement.

  8. 12 minutes ago, what said:

    NYC is about to be a death zone. A new peak case estimate of 14-21 days from today, with new infections doubling every 3 days. Seems the shelter-in-place order did not do enough to curb the spread, at least in NYC and surrounding areas. With the population density and the length of time this thing can live on surfaces it's not surprising. Sadly.


    video for anyone interested:


    I hate to have to agree with this, but I do. Hopefully, NYC has enough healthcare facilities proportionate to the population density. I would imagine that there is some sort of formula that city planners follow to ensure this, but I don't know.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Qman said:

    This is one of the saddest and most tragic stories to come out of this whole mess. Ridiculous. But desparate, fearful people will sometimes try anything. I don't think it was right of the surviving spouse to have placed the blame on Trump, unless she is allowing him to think for her. Who could not have known what a dumb move this was.

    • Beer 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, snot said:

    Who is using all the PPE?

    Hospitals are not over flowing across the nation. With all the elective shit not being done and regular dental, eye exams not being done, we should have plenty. 

    And using haz suits without decontamination could spread it. Haz suits only protect who is inside. You are not supposed to wear them into clean areas.

    Test? Does it even matter at this point? We are still under 1% of the population, people who are sick need test for correct treatment, not the whole world.

    I think Trump is doing a good job, I think the media made everyone panic and fucked up the plan. My .02


    This is why I need to work.... To stop making fucked up comments about shit I can't control.

    Idiots who assumed that masks were the cure for COVID snapped them up, used them, then pitched them. Another item that was initially hoarded by the ill-informed masses. I think tests are irrelevant now. If you are deathly sick, seek treatment. Otherwise, stay home and recover. We don't have any medicine or a vaccine yet, so it makes no difference if you know you have it or don't. Trump was all bluster and braggadocio until recently, offering medical advice and opinions when an expert was usually standing right next to him--often correcting his incorrect assertions.

  11. 7 hours ago, Howabusa said:

    I haven’t worked in over 4 years. I do everything but make the money., shopping, cleaning, cooking, laundry, everything. My wife doesn’t lift a finger around the house unless she wants to. She is a RN/ DON  and is well paid, I worked in a auto parts distribution center for Advance auto for 30 years. I don’t miss working and all of the corporate BS that goes with it. It took me a little while to adjust but now I am usually good.

    Sounds to me that you ARE working full-time . . . at home 😌

    Tried to get out for a walk a few times this week in one of our many local parks, but everyone had the same idea. No place to park, and no way, practically, to social distance. We opened an Instacart account and are having groceries delivered.

  12. 27 minutes ago, Howabusa said:

    I am 60. Taking SS at 62.

    Kent, I'm 64. I spoke with many guys about this, and decided that 65 was my goal because I'm in pretty good shape and have longevity in my family. Most of them tried to convince me to take SS as early as possible, but their reasoning exceeded my mathematical comprehension. I will start SS and one of my pensions in about 8 months, but will still work until I drop dead. Summers off are very boring, even though I am an avid reader. 

    Do you plan on working in retirement?

  13. 19 minutes ago, Qman said:

    On the contrary.....google is your friend....Just sayin.


    This is from journalism's most respected authorities: The Columbia Journalism Review. You will see a sentence on this page: "NPR actually does not receive any government funding for its operational costs." This is a bit more reliable that Wikipedia, which I suspect is the source of your (mis) information.

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