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Posts posted by SpecialEd

  1. 5 minutes ago, Killer_kaw said:

    I honestly thought his early decisions were well thought out. It took a lot of balls to close schools and bars/restaurants. Made sense. All medical folks agree on the fact that if you eliminate contact the virus dies. At some point hopefully public health will Trump the almighty dollar and we can all move past this. Hopefully! There are many people that don’t work because they’d rather not and lots of others that have been told not to go work. I’m not convinced that all these people lining up in front of Sam’s club before they open to buy all the toilet paper and eggs is the answer. Mostly just makes sure the shelves are empty when the rest of us get there after work. 

    Yes! And what's with the sudden rush to buy guns?? I really don't understand the whole toilet paper and egg thing, either, as diarrhea is not a COVID symptom, and there appear to be as many eggs in our local markets as anyone could hope for. The Sam's Club/Costco thing is another mystery. Customers packing themselves together ("virus? what virus?") and swinging at each other over parking spaces. Fuck that.

  2. 19 minutes ago, Killer_kaw said:

    Honestly I find them infuriating. They talk about everyone being home together. Preventing spread and being safe. Who are they talking about. Most of us are living in a different world. Are the folks at gas stations, grocery stores, ups,usps,fedex and factories immune to covid-19? As other states shut down big business we here in Ohio are ramping up. Pennsylvania has also shut down manufacturing now. In there 30hr period given to close our sister plant churned out over 60 truckloads of raw material to our Ohio plant that will push us to 24/7 operation. Corporate lawyers already preparing arguments to side step any Ohio shut down. They’ve already managed it in California. My wife works in hospital administration and has been working 13hr days 6 days a week. Healthcare workers connected to non-essential procedures are being strung along as well. Offered work 2 days a week so after paying for insurance and such barley bringing home a pay check and preventing them collecting unemployment. This is cheaper for hospitals than filling open jobs with permanent staff and letting others just stay home. It also puts many more at risk. The positive case numbers are a joke. Locally folks that are very sick are tested for flue and other illness and if they are negative there assumed to have covid-19 and sent home. Testing is only being done if you’re sick enough to require hospitalization. The whole thing seems to be a shit show. 

    I do see the irony in what you are saying, and your wife's schedule is completely ridiculous. You are correct, of course, that this is probably the worst shit show the world has experienced since the deadly flu epidemic in the early 1900s. As a public employee (I am a teacher), students are our customers, and the nearly nationwide shutdown of American schools has forced almost all of us to work from home, including the students. As you might imagine, I was very relieved when this happened. Being exposed daily to hundreds of juveniles who have not yet developed concern for their own health, not to mention the consequences of spreading disease to others, and are basically incapable of "seeing the big picture" is a recipe for health disasters. 

    Gary, I don't disagree with any of what you say in this post. I was simply tacitly acknowledging the shitty situation we all find ourselves in and expressing my opinion of those who seem to be extra helpful in guiding us through this thing safely and sanely. I do wish we all could stay home, but of course this is not at all possible. All that's left is to do our level best to stay healthy and not take any unnecessary chances which may cause us to be exposed to this ugly scourge.

    If DeWine makes your blood boil, I can only imagine what Trump's ham-handed blundering in the face of this crisis must do to you. How ironic that we have probably the world's biggest narcissist in charge of the world's most powerful country filled with people who are starving for reassurance, truth, and a steady hand.

  3. 1 minute ago, Steve Butters said:

    15hp? Nice lawn mower, bro. 

    Tyler, this translates into a safe 70 mph-capable bike commuting to my rural teaching job. I have spent a shit load of money restoring this vintage 1971 bike, and it's still not done three years after I commissioned an expert in Detroit to do the build. It ain't no freakin' lawn mower *Bro*

    I don''t want or need a liter bike or a bloated cruiser. At 64 years old, I want to experience/enjoy the ride; not in a hurry to get anywhere anymore.

  4. 1 minute ago, Howabusa said:

    Our healthcare is based on profit! We don’t have enough empty beds because it is not profitable!

    This will not change very soon, as health care has been monetized for a long time now. I doubt any politician will succeed in creating single payer healthcare in my lifetime, but this is the right thing for our country to do (I am 64, BTW.) As everyone knows, we are the only industrialized nation without universal health care; I find this embarrassing, personally, as an American. I am paying $1,200 per month for my and my wife's health insurance until I start taking Social Security, Medicare, and one of my two pensions this coming November. Both of us are very physically active, eat right, and get plenty of sleep--no medical issues. The key to getting efficient nationalized health care is to start taking care of ourselves so that there are few individuals whose illnesses tax the system. 

    • Upvote 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, Tonik said:

    Health departments have great latitude in what they can do if they declare a public health crisis. For example Ohio put off an entire election using that method.

    Sorry for your loss man. They don't want travelers that is clear based on the roads they closed. No easy way in from the north now.

    All of this is for our benefit and safety; the state of Ohio has nothing to gain monetarily from inconveniencing its citizenry. It's pretty cool that we have competent politicians who have our best interests at heart. All bets are off at this point. We dropped off food at our local food bank, and there were several other people there doing the same thing. We are in survival mode for the next few months.

  6. 1 minute ago, Tonik said:

    Can I have your bike, if it ever gets done.

    This is no time for gallows humor, Jim. And it will only put out 15 HP when it's done. Def not something you would be even remotely interested in. No room for a couch, billiards table, sauna, and fully appointed kitchen like the "Wing. Nice knowing you . . .

  7. Just now, Tonik said:

    Dude she is halfway to your house. She is petite but my money is on her. I suggest you hit an ATM.

    If she shows up with the aforementioned sammys, I will pay; however, at this juncture this appears to be highly unlikely. Wife has fired up the AirFryer and is making chicken wings as I write. Fire in the fireplace, vodka flowing, and Frank's Hot Sauce being liberally applied. Freaking delicious peasant food. "

    Sheltering in place with a smile on my face." 

  8. 4 minutes ago, snot said:

    We were told by school administrators that any hand sanitizers which had a minimum of 62% alcohol were effective. The students were greasing themselves and each other with this stuff the entire week before school let out for spring break.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Tonik said:

    She is right. You owe her five grand, and an apology 

    Au contraire--Jen was the one who sent the image to me, largely unsolicited. The delivery of the sammiches did not occurr, and no funds were exchanged. Thus, a bailment was not created.

    • Haha 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, snot said:

    So, I will make it in the morning and show you mine... 

    As for plagiarism, this was not an assignment requiring the use of sources nor was it meant to be graded. 

    It was a premium pancake sammich that anyone could make. I never said it was mine nor did I mislead anyone into believing I made that particular sammich.

    ... Today was roast and potatoes for dinner and pull pork for lunch... And yes pancakes were breakfast.

    Tonik? Response?

  11. 11 minutes ago, Tonik said:

    This is epic.




    I know there will be books authored about this epic and unprecedented time period in American history after it's over. The response from the general public in the US reminds me of what happened here post-911: there are so many people offering to help others in so many ways. This is what America is all about. When a challenge arises, we show our true colors and take care of each other.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Tpoppa said:

    I thought medicinal weed was mostly nonsense.  But it solved my GFs vertigo in minutes after the prescription meds didn't do a damn thing.

    More evidence that weed is medicine in exactly the same sense that all other medications are medicine. If it works, it works. Pretending weed is somehow inherently evil is assinine--but it's also just a gratuitous assertion which can (and should) be equally as gratuitously denied.

    I'm thrilled this stuff is working for your SO. Another tool in the box for the medical profession.

  13. That's what I thought you meant.

    I have absoluely no problems at all with people using weed and derivitives for any reason, but realize that, just like alcoholic drinks, there are and always will be those who, for various reasons, vilify the use of both booze and weed. I drink a fair amount of liquor every day before dinner, and couldn't care less about what others think. So yes, I agree that there need be no justifications for the use of either one. I was simply pointing out that there are many people who either fail to acknowledge the benefits of weed or are ignorant of its medicinal properties.

    By extension, I also agree that in our country anything goes (or should go) as long as nobody is negatively affected. I can walk out my back door into the yard with my .45 and shoot targets legally all day long--and some people here do that. There are likely those who are my neighbors who hate guns just cuz they hate guns. I get that, too. Fine with me.

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