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Posts posted by SpecialEd

  1. 12 minutes ago, Bubba said:

    I have to remember that I must be more concise and on-topic for you educator types. 

    Seriously, I only post what the voices tell me to.  Grade me a D-minus for ambiguity.

    Bubba, what most concerns me, and likely the rest of OR members, is the fact that you are hearing voices which, apparently, guide your thoughts and--God forbid--your actions. Please seek professional help and get back to us once a treatment protocol has been established. Until this milestone has been reached, please refrain from posting here.

  2. 1 minute ago, motocat12 said:

    Is this mandatory or just guidance?
    This order is mandatory. To help prevent the further spread of COVID-19 in Ohio and protect our friends, neighbors, and vulnerable populations, please stay home.

    Will the Ohio National Guard be enforcing this order?
    No. The Ohio National Guard will not be enforcing this order.

    I listened to DeWine's briefing today, and yours is an interesting question. I agree; many of the edicts he articulated seemed to be suggestions.

  3. 2 minutes ago, snot said:

    Yep.. Hell hole... We have seen more deaths not related to illness lately. 3 deaths in less than a day from car accidents. 

    My favorite... CVS robbed by 2 people wearing medical mask... Dayton passed a law a week or so ago making it illegal to wear mask to commit a crime or intimidate another person. 


    1 minute ago, motocat12 said:

    Holy crap. As I wrote earlier somewhere on this forum, books will be written examining this very, very odd period in history, and all the weird behavior fueled by the scourge of COVID-19. These will be compelling to read . . .

  4. 19 minutes ago, Tonik said:

    That is really disappointing. We are willing to share our expertise on protective gear...you should too.

    Keep in mind textile over wear is better than the riding jeans and motorcycle leather is better than that.

    Most people hate the jeans, they fit and look like crap in most cases.

    Thank you for the helpful information.

    My incontinence issues are mine, and I do not wish to air them publicly on this forum. I am appalled by your oft insulting brashness and insensitivity, and am certain your wife secretly cringes when neighbors and family extend social invitations to you. Casper should have his head examined for appointing you as the arbiter of content on this forum. No need to use the tired analogy of the fox guarding the hen house here, as I'm certain the majority of OR members  are well aware of your misanthropic tendencies.

  5. 44 minutes ago, Bubba said:

    Aaaand....the race is on--less than 32 hours for the panicked hoarders to buy everything that isn't nailed down!

    There's the old saying that it's an ill wind that blows no good.  The last two days, I've been walking the dog in the parks here in Hamilton County.  I've seen more families--moms and dads, grandma and grandpa, kids, toddlers, tots in strollers, the family dog--all together on the trails.  I hope this might be a little sign that something good will come out of this crisis.

    I walk each day in our local parks, and have also noticed this. There are barely any places to park your vehicle. People are skeeved out from staying indoors; going stir-crazy--and I am, too. 

  6. 11 minutes ago, what said:

    Gonna be ordering some delivery that will last me a few days so I don't have to dip into my stockpile.


    Lasagna sounds good.


    Stay at home order in full: https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/6816974/Ohio-Stay-at-Home-order.pdf

    Thanks for the hyperlink. The ohio.gov server is currently overwhelmed. I don't know how you got this, but we appreciate it.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Tpoppa said:

    Any guesses on when Ohio gets the shelter in place order.  I'm guessing in the next day or 2.

    Couldn't be far from now. Check out DeWine's press briefing tomorrow on NPR's Cleveland affiliate WCPN. He, his staff, and Dr. Acton usually are on around noon. I'm sure we will get word from him very soon that the remainder of the school year is cancelled as well. There is no state testing for the kids this year, and, at least in my district, no grades being computed for the current semester. Also, parents are being given the option for their kids to repeat their current grade next year.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Pauly said:

    This is a snapshot of what happens when societal norms begin to shift. The stupid begin to eat each other. 

    Another good reason to shelter in place. I'm sure there will be many books written about this time in history, and I will be the first to read all of them. For now: lock the doors and watch the madness unfold . . .

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