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FatWilbur last won the day on December 23 2021

FatWilbur had the most liked content!

About FatWilbur

  • Birthday 06/18/1966

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  • Vehicles(s)
    2020 BMW S1000RR
    2017 BMW S1000R (sold)

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  1. home. great to meet everyone, had a fun time. thanks @durkfor organizing!
  2. Made it home.... a lot of fun today. thanks @durk @Gpaw@Muckles
  3. Yes, I will be there. 8:45 good?
  4. I can meet in Carrollton, assuming @Gpaw is good with it... what time do you think you will be there?
  5. I would like to join
  6. I will probably hear you fly by... i am at the X
  7. glad you wrote it up @MucklesI had no shot at it.. my directions would take you to a location like in the "Wrong Turn" movies. In fact I thought maybe @Muckles was leading me there for a while... had to keep a close eye on him.
  8. @MucklesHad a great time. A lot of fun roads that I have never been on. thanks
  9. i would like to move up earlier like 10:30 but am good with whatever works
  10. How about in Somerset? BP gas station at 110 N Columbus St, Somerset, OH 43783 @HowabusaAre you in Cardington? If you guys prefer somewhere else, no problem.
  11. I am good with that.... if that does not work out for others, I can meet anywhere
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