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Unk Greg

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Everything posted by Unk Greg

  1. LOL...in closing....yep Progressive does have roadside protection, for an extra charge...so why do they put roadside assistance on my 'golden' card. Trip A, yeah too, I learned, sign up for another fee and get, did see the AMA availability, but didn't join.....de flat tire may not be all that expensive as the title suggests.....do have a lil' trailer, but the 750 Suzuki may not have happened....ain't heard from the kid as yet. Just when I thought the garage was getting emptier...that a word? Plus 1 on pick em up trucks....while enjoying the afternoon, I scoped out a likely bank to back up against to roll bike into back of truck. Found a cheapie trailer, so now I gotz it as well. Afternoon along the road meeting friendly peeple. May hafta just park someplace and meet more folks.
  2. Blitz, yep sir love that section of CR19 and 22. Lotsa great county roads. Everybody can see the State Routes. Tonik...WOW!! Home already??!!? I just pulled in. Laffing as Mike peeled left and went on ahead when you headed right to motivate home. Laffed I say, because we took county roads up over hill and pulled into McD's in Sugarcreek with Mike and his wife pulling in behind us on his go-fast. He went thru Dover/N.Philly on SR39. We lost Chuck and his wife about then. Surprised Mike pulled in - figuring him to be long gone.. Where's Chuck??? Chuck slipped by us unnoticed ...quiet Harley? More smiles as we ended in Danville and my wife and I filled up for the third time...heading back home via 62 here comes Mike the opposite way....waved. Great time. All are tired, in a good way. Pleasant day, nice ride and very little traffic to contend with. Good to meet ya Tonik! Lets see ...airplanes next weekend and July is free Flogging Molly concert after soccer game....or was that free soccer game before the Concert? Beer girl at stadium, said last nite .... Ready to bring her 'Busa to my neighborhood and try the roads. Poke-slow route: left main gate area of Apple Valley and headed towards USR62 on SR36. Picked up 62 at Millwood...did not stop at Spearmans...USR62 to Martinsburg and SR586 south towards SR79, but left on Frampton Road and down into the valley...covered bridge 1 mile back. Look see and moved on.....took Jug Run Road (not a go-fast road) and out to SR 541 at Bladensburg. 541 to 206 and 206 to 715 with stop at Mohawk Dam....missed Mike there, but waiting for us in Warsaw. SR36 into Warsaw and onto Roscoe Village. Dined on the patio and shared or meal with many gnats. See inside air conditioning has itz advantages. I talked with some Columbus go-fasts and confirmed they were safe for their return route home. We headed out on 36 towards SR 751, I believe SR93 is still too broke up to be enjoyable....751 to old 21 and into the.fringe of N. Philly...ran SR39 along side of i77 and turned left and up Red Hill....maybe Coal Hill...you locals jump in here with correct name and popped out onto SR39 and into Sugarcreek for the aforementioned McD stop. Finished up with run on SR39 all the way to Nashville and dropped down SR514 to Danville, quitting at the ever favorite gas station, but not getting ice cream. SR39 is safe from tourists (mostly) on Sunday....otherwise stay away! All home safe and sound. Tired, but safe and sound. Time OTR, meet at AV 11:30, leave scenic Killbuck at 10:15am and (us -me and wife) back home 6 ' ish. There's the route for you touring folks. Not a single bridge out encountered on the route. ; >)
  3. Next weekend.... http://www.nationalwacoclub.com/index_023.htm
  4. LOL...got a response....email says....their goal is to respond in 2 business days. Gonna go look for meds now! => )
  5. Emailed Progressive. We'll see what that lil' Gold Card covers.....
  6. Good to know next time...I'll call Progressive and see what happens wif dem. Plug kit don't fit in my jeans pocket, but did think of it. Gas station said No Way they would....so new tire esta.
  7. https://www.rulewatchohio.gov/home?2
  8. Some from up here are going down. Me? Old airplanes and soccer game that day, sorry. It sounds like fun, and I'd hafta dig out something from garage.
  9. Cool! .....and nice aircraft. Beautiful and easy to view at this event.
  10. Looking fwd to it. See ya there.
  11. Sequel: dug the other BB outa the back of the garage...air, gas, oil etc to ride. First two turns and catches, making turn very difficult. Not in the UP sense of these big antique bikes not turning, NO I mean it won't turn!!! Looks like a steering head investigation may ensue.....jeez.
  12. Next weekend is the Annual WACO gathering at Wincoop Field in Mt. Vernon. Usually no charge, get up close and personal to the aircraft from the 30's. I had mentioned in somewhere else, but decided a separate heading in order. Saturday is best time...no crowds. Grass field, so take kickstand pad. Also, as mentioned elsewhere, coming north on SR661, you cannot go straight onto Granville Rd. road closed for bridge construction. 661 turns right before that closing and merges with SR 13. Follow it and duck down neighborhood streets to get back to airfield....or simply run up to town and left at McD's intersections and follow Granville Rd. back out to airfield. Watch for low flying aircraft ;>) http://www.reesphotos.com/WACO2012/
  13. 514 is good....ends at Danville, not quite to SR36, however. Simply put 514 is good from Nashville (SR39) to Danville.(USR62 and 205 northerly to SR3). Danville-Amity Rd. pavement is crappy, if you were planning on using it.
  14. Dirt fill topping of the new tunnel....soon maybe? Oil field road is open....dirt bikes, ATV or 4WD...yeehaw!
  15. :>) Y'all got my cell # for when ya get to one of them many road closed signs.... :>)
  16. Almost made it to work yesterday. Early ride with me peeling off to sprint towards work...bike gets squirrelly in turns. I think oooo.....just had front tire put on and something didn't get tightened! Gingerly slowed to stop along side road in the middle of nowhere. Looked around, nothing out of the ordinary...then I see the collapsing rear tire. Okay, call off, wife then contacted...bring my air tank...me thinking broke seal on rim, even though ... Yes I checked the air pressure before I left. Pleasant afternoon,great weather and lots of friendly folks stopping to help. Plenty of beverage offerings as well. Wife on other end of phone, "but I was going....yes I know it's your day off, but I am out here with a flat. Didja ya know a call to triple A and giving card number, and being real helpful by suggesting a roll back and hold down straps for my bike would be.... Wait yer on a motorcycle? Yes.....hesitating...."we don't do motorcycles. Guess you have to have yet another program beyond the Plus. That was when the call went to wife....eventually wife finds and arrives...air tank quickly exhausted of the 80 lbs of air. Tire dumping it as quickly as I put it in, well not as quick, but a real good second. Dear, would you go get tank filled and find some fix-a-flat. Uhmmm get two cans, please. "I haven't had lunch yet!" I'll buy lunch. More pleasant conversations with nice people while I work on my tan. Wife returns, insert fixa to back tire valve...it rises, and I see a huge puddle form under the tire of the gooey stuff.....as tire slowly deflates again. Okay can't leave it....wife returns again with.....air tank number two and .... up comes tire, audible hiss, but not too bad....attach fixa can again and finish the can off. Hey! It's holding....I 'll run up the road to the gas station. You follow. At station and dismount...what a mess all over back of bike...wife pulls in..."why was your bike smoking?" We realize not smoke but fix-a-flat was rooster tailing off of back tire....slowly tire sinks. Gas station, We ain't touching it! Can I leave it here until I can get back to pick it up. Expensive flat? How?, you ask.....lost day of work, lunch for wife since she had to help....so now it is a crappy little trailer, that surprisingly was large enough to hold the bike, title transfer, plates, tax ..... It's adding up. Car trailer sits at home piled high with tree branches and limbs from that storm...when was it again? The crappy lil' trailer matches perfectly to the dent in the back of the SUV. There's an even crappier looking trailer - built specifically for 3 bikes back in Danville...if anybody is interested and needs a bike trailer. Home again, honey do reprisals complete with ....with me saying, okay dear, let me clean up and I will take you out to dinner. Jeez, with wine yet....yep pushing a grand I think.... Oh the folksiness along the road, I learned of two campers for sale and sent the kid to look at the 750 Suzuki...it runs, but carbs need work, said the guy, and there's an extra set that I'll let ya have....enjoy yer wine dear....a toast - thanks for helping....answer text to kid. Offer him this much... Smiling anyways....the end (nah, never the end) Ta ta for now
  17. Unk Greg

    Poke-slow Ride

    Quick post. Two-up touristy ride for Sunday. Meet at Apple Valley main entrance/gas station at 11:30AM. Picture taking kind of ride and Newbs being introduced to riding. I am also looking forward to learning .... learning how ..... Harley guy stays up at 42 mph and slows down for turns....never miss a chance to gain new skills. Stop at covered bridge near Fallsburg (if teenagers haven't burned it down). Onto Mohawk Dam, goal is stop at Roscoe Village for eats and socialize...maybe check out a winery too....not sipping though, well I ain't. With look see at beaver dam (if county hasn't seen itz back up). Someone wanna try walking on it? Oh, Apple Valley is on SR36 just out of Mt. Vernon. Side benefit of ride....see how to get around all the closed roads...ha! If interested..posting...we has a group...enjoy yer weekend.
  18. JEEZ....here's a surprise, a section of SR60 is closed. This one north of Loudonville but closed closer to Hayesville. You do get to use SR179 to SR95, so not too awful. AND daylight from 5AM to almost 10PM....that way you can see the deer before they dart out in front of you.
  19. http://www.americanwacoclub.com/styled-2/index.html ...have a link...
  20. On SR661, bridge work closed Granville Rd. just as you get into Mt. Vernon. 661 actually turns at industrial park and connects with SR13. Only really messes up folks coming north to the Annual WACO aircraft reunion, next weekend (6/27 to 6/30)
  21. I still hate fog....
  22. Okay....yet another bridge. Tried posting last weekend...see if it takes now. SR60 again, this bridge is just outside of Warsaw and closes 60 about a mile south of Warsaw. So from Tunnel Hill (541) to Warsaw ya have a problem.
  23. I got video of when I was down there last.....can't get it out of iPad.
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