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Unk Greg

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Everything posted by Unk Greg

  1. Yes an old relaxation trick.....in with the good...out with the bad. Smiles here.
  2. Dang nab it.....okay it's 12 minutes & 44 seconds....but i' m getting them out of computer. Ha...i love technology...everybody now...I love technology!!!
  3. Burning dvds...went with what footage i had. PLAYS:14 minutes 22 secs. Screen had a big red area in the panel for available memory or disc space...teeny tiny slot of green (2 or 3%)...so went with it. A dozen spoken for....yell if ya want...Whitestone...JRMMIII? Lemme know.
  4. Computer is working again.....will rebuild the Fall Outing dvd ....any pics yet to arrive...send 'em, please. Thanks
  5. Thanks guys pointed me in the right direction. Coupla stops got my mixology beakers and local dealer for VP....castor oil too. Good to go. Thanks again.
  6. Thanks all....got the bike and the fuel used was mixed up by previous owner along the lines of the opening....did not get the "formula". VP keeps coming up in conversations. Racing engine in bike....and looking to not change out fueling. Appreciate all the info. Great help.
  7. Posting here...have a two stroke thumper now and wondered about fuels available. It is a high compression two stroke...and what little fuel i had is gone. Previous owner said mixed premium gas, castor oil, and acetone to help with blending. Not looking for racing fuel per se....just like to keep this machine on it's regular diet. Any help out there re: Apology up front as to whether or not answered somewhere b4...i can' t bring up the search and keybd. to track down topic. Thanks.
  8. Checked my computer this AM....the fall tour dvd built so far has been eaten by the computer. All them saves and save as and saves over and over....no where to be found. Everyone chant "I love technology".
  9. Picking up the 400 Enduro....so i can play on the back road now.
  10. Thanks fer de map.....look for Riley Chapel Cemetery...just behind the white church on Riley Chapel Rd. So north from there....it would be a lil' farther up SR715 (keeping the theme) and then head up the Riley C. Rd. be north of sorts from 715...then read above directions. Think logging road or access road to oil well/service. Then it'll go to the deep ruts and rock outcroppings after that! Have fun....and count on no tow truck in the world will come and get you....take winch or come-alongs if it has been wet.....Dirt bikes and such just have at it!
  11. What a hoot! Another freeze up...found your album Whitestone. But only two or three pics and laptop stopped.....hmmm it mentioned 347 attacks by some sinister forces....so scrub it clean is in order! Mike! Your pics are still gone...can't even find the email now! Mike can you send them again? Curious?!! Cursor is randomly jumping into different areas of text while I'm typing. Maybe I should start another string on computer random-ness. Outa here...gotta duct tape jeep together to get to work!
  12. AAARRRGGGHH!! I'm back...laptop froze up ! I think that my electronic luck would be a super Hollywood movie....Alien touches earthlings electrical devices and they quit working....panic sets in as earth goes dark with no electricity (or devices quit that are powered by electric). I wonder if Lehman's Hardware has kerosene powered computers. Psst! Lehmans is/was a nice ride to visit...old timey non-electric appliances and they have a lunch place too now! Beemer boys loved it....plan yer next road trip now.
  13. okay...i'm on a real computer...well a laptop...AND the pics came up. Great and thanks for posting pics. Looking good! Hmmmm, maybe I can transfer them to a flash drive and add them to the idling in my movie making computer.....;>) Thanks....Mike B. looked at Jeep from deer strike...some household drywall screws have things held in place until this weekend and I can adapt other things to fix damage. Hood is holding headlite in.....Don't think I have caught up with Kawi as yet - only three deer so far...knocking on wood (or maybe it's particle bd with a vinyl covering!!??)
  14. Rabbit Ridge south end of Riley Chapel (not Church)....Chestnut Ridge is the north end of Riley Chapel. Stone Quarry Rd runs from there down into Flat Ridge which is CR40....no sign at CR40 end of Quarry Rd. Uphill traveling would be an excellent challenge. I cheated by having gravity help jeep down rock outcroppings. Jeep, ATV, or adventure bike road. If you can call it a road still. Downed trees or limbs...didn' t look to see if cut down or if just fell down....small enough to wheel over with jeep. Quik summary and keeping it to SR715 topic...ha, ha....Rabbit Ridge is south of and Chesnut Ridge is north of SR715. So Riley Chapel road at stop sign ...turn left on Chestnut Ridge and almost immediately is the Stone Quarry Rd with bent over sign...it heads north along the deep ravine and drops down to Flat Ridge Road (CR40) left on Flat Ridge (presumes you survived the descent down on Stone Quarry) will take you to Danville...come out near the grocery store. Flat Ridge is a nice road....only it turns into rough surace at Kershocton line...Cavillo Station is by Mohican River....nice title for my spy novel! Plus the alien thing so two books or at least screenplays for Hollywood and I'll be rich, eh?
  15. Weekends are free again...classes and final taken. Took me awhile to get online. Sign in not going thru. Will try a real computer this am. Was on Henpeck Rd. Fallsburg and back up 586. Got the deer near home on the straight stretch b4 Killbuck.
  16. Saw this too late. Ran all of Riley CHAPEL Rd. Saw a blurb on the Google attempt and the addition of the canoe launch on Bat Nest. We were at the canoe spot, but no Bat Nest signage. Found Rabbit Ridge Rd. and got a screaming wife with the Stone Quarry look see.....so calmed her with ice cream from Danville and then went and found Henpeck Rd...by Bladensburg. Since it was getting dark headed back to the greater Killbuck Swamp.....finding a deer with the right front corner of jeep....for some reason, in spite of a loud whack/crash sound....and screaming wife again....no apparent damage to the ole jeep. They just don' t build them like that anymore do they? Oh yeah 715 still has the loose gravel in the center section of lane in some areas and peeled back chip and seal in others.
  17. Googled and no pics come up...figures...... tried to bring up the aerial, no luck....Road Trip then!!!!!
  18. Ain't finding it on the lil' phone....did see walhdg. campground...i've always ended up on other side of river from it....my lil' map brought up a dune buggy pic of it doing a hillclimb...saying at walholdg. camp ground. Guess i'll have to go to Google now. OR....once the trick or treating is done this afternoon...and i've scared all the kiddies....I can gather up their dropped candy bags and head on out! :-p
  19. K. Thanks. I am beginning to pick roads with interesting names....big jug run, dog hollow...jus' because.
  20. Whoa sorry about the phone...looks like it is adding words now too....midnite runs and took the jeepers out....was suppose to have been in the text. Jeez. 3:30am. Working, eh?
  21. Ha! Plus one on midnite rides. Took some jeepers out online a midnite runway....one guy complained about getting in and out to lock bugs....."Can't we stay off road?"....told them "we haven't been off road yet!" So i guess the next bike will be an adventure bike. Just talked with some Toledo folks last weekend ...they camp at Walhdg. Looking to see them next riding season. They also said not riding at 128...they just motor along. Bring yer Harley down we'll ride....HOWDJA know I had a Harley!?!?...smiled and said we'll see ya next summer.
  22. Welcome.....'78 750 supersport sitting in the corner of garage.
  23. Howdy. Just over the ridge from youse. A few folks in the Vernon area riding....so you'll have company. Welcome.
  24. Casper....If ya got a sweater ...we still got time b4 snow flies. :-)
  25. Back on bd. Update the update...Apple Valley new sign same owners. Retro sign or rather name on sign. Other news...out and about today....cross country in jeep and found road off of Riley Church Rd off of SR715....any adventure bikes on this bd.? Stone Quarry Rd said the sign. Left onto Chestnut Ridge Rd from Riley Church and there it is...starts out as a narrow twp rd and gets narrow and soon rock crawling over exposed rocks from hvy rain and washes. In jeep and fully expected to hear thunk of rocker panel on rock as I dropped over....elevation shows a thousand foot...so that explains the real deep ravine. I also had a chance to observe the forest floor from my jeep by looking out my driver's window......jeep slipped from high side of road into the deep washout. Lotsa mud holes rocks and no worries on clean up....ya have to ford a stream as part of this quaint road. Adventure bike alert! It is just off of SR715.....sorry for posting here...me widdle phone doesn' t show a new thread choice. Nice back road for them mcs a little higher in the middle.
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