Done and back home for the cookout. Throw in Ashland Co. as well. Route today SR83 south from Mlbg and gas fill up. Stop at Bob Evans in Coshocton, thru Roscoe Village and up the hill (Hill Street, strangely enough) back roads go tourists can catch CR17 off of 541....just west of Roscoe and on right. Nice road. Me? I wanted to check out the lil' beaver dam along the drainage ditch....figuring county crews too busy with storm clean up to tear it out again....ulp, now Parks knows and will let the county engineer know. NEED A WHIT'S FROZEN CUSTARD one adam 12! Popped out on SR60 ran north to Warsaw and SR36 west to 715, chip and seal is surviveable, but be careful...back out on 36 to Howard and Apple Valley....both hit hard. Trees into houses and AV still has dangling power lines. Popping out on backside onto Amity-Danville Rd. and eventually out to SR3, but not going to Amity....3 to Mohican. Mohican Forest has road clutter so rooster tails of sticks and leaves. Slow here folks. Stopped at Gorge and Lodge...SR97 back to SR3 and Loudonville to SR39 east and dropped back south to scenic Killbuck on SR60. Lotsa trees and in Danville, Howard, AV, damaged homes. Trees into structures and rooftops sometimes on front yard. A few, too bad. Roads are good except in state forest.