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Unk Greg

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Everything posted by Unk Greg

  1. Uhmmm, still building the dvd....hang in there okay....just back from Toledo...I think I have some new recruits for the roads down here! :-)
  2. Dang phone...Hortons is what I typed...at least I could sign on this time. Maybe Zach up from Columbus with his girl.
  3. Briiiinnnnggg, briiinnggg...hey mike ya up? Meeting at Tim Bottoms 5am plus or minus.....waiting for fog to burn off- right. Or at least more sunlite. Sunday looking at weather...10am will call it off...if no call we are out and about. Martinsbuurg at 11am. See ya later.
  4. Okay..mike mtg at martinsburg at 11am. 2 from coshocton and tony from newark/zanesville. Just a few of us...wives along and planning picture stops. Like at water fall. I see they are still messing around with paving on 36. SHOUT OUT. Who had the go-pro camera on Fall Outing....I would like to put a DVD together besides the few pics I took. So looking to get copy of footage please....and....thank you. Motociclista...I will have to find a real computer to get your site to open up...no pics...not even here on bd. But then I was barriered for some reason even getting on here. Could not sign on...well I could but then it was just continue to tell me may not post. No pics come up for me on the DROID.
  5. Martinsburg 11am. Thurs will be the deciding day...weather. Thinking of covered bridge, waterfall and we can check out your overlook. Picture taking with stop and viewing. Millwood for food? They raised their prices. It 's $7.95 for the meals now. Talk to you later.
  6. The Keybd is back . Work was fun as a lot of people coming up and talking about the ride. Guys saying their wives were mad....the wives that didn' t go on the ride mad because they didn' t go on the ride! One of the something or other Glyd ... Electra or Dyna or something Glyd said he may have to get a sportbike as it looked like a lot of fun carving those corners. One guy kept bugging me for details and wants to see pics...he doesn' t have a bike, nor a license. Looks like that will be changing...as we talked MSF course....what's that? he asked. So he googles MSF training sites and dates ..a Newb yet to be. Several are asking when can we go again? Anytime...just sing out. So we're talking Sunday to do something. Speaking of Sunday...think i've figured out the radio ad. Fall Tour leaving from same dealership this Sunday...running south using Licking Co. $15 entry for some fundraising thing. Back to pics....okay so the aspiring Newb asked about the helmet cam...huh? So who had the helmet cam? Any chance of a copy being made and getting to me? Lemme know on that. Motoclista has pics available, I see in his post .... wrote a book too. Guess it's time to ad another book to the collection. They may be mad at work...one supervisor held up his regular mtg. since several of us were talking about the ride. I apologized and he started the mtg about work. I wonder if the random job audit I got put thru was really random....big smiles... Life is grand!
  7. Whoa an edit function on the computer, and another strike against the droid!
  8. On a real computer now (third try however- somehow Snopes jumped up on my screen while typing in this replay and the reply disappeared!?!?!) Me widdle phone has hidden the keybd...hence me seeking out a computer....I get a white screen on phone...if ya tap on it a letter appears in the message box. Too bad I don't have the keybd memorized...and it won't back the wrong letter off with the return.....JRMIII...and you were wondering why I ain't on the bd that often! Ride recap/revisit. Good turnout-didn't know what to expect with the purported radio announcements. We did however lose half the group. Left a bit later from dealership than planned, as I waited for them....checked my phone no messages. We did see them at the intersection just up the road and waved at them to turn around....and they waved back, I don't understand why they couldn't catch up to us as we traveled for several miles at 35 for all to collect into a group. I did see the antique bike afterall at the end of the ride as we sat in Danville at the gas stop (6-ish) with several of us parked...NOT thinking about ice cream they have there, however. Looked up and saw them at stop sign and waved 'em over. Only thing I heard about later was that the Head Beemer Guy was reported to have chided the guy on the antique bike with, "Why did ya stop?". Nice huh? Insert yer own bad words here. Onto the GOOD NEWS...teeny dents and a few scuffs on momma unit's scoot. Amazingly I looked at that gravel spot and thought..OOOO that could be a problem. Only for the high powered scoot doing a burnout it seems...HA! Absolutely a great day, everyone had a wonderful outing. Lotsa comments about doing this again. The route can be run in the opposite direction and you would get different scenic vistas. Route included 3 Twp Rds as well as numerous county roads and they were okay. The worst pavement was near the start and we were poking along slowly to make sure all were still there after the traffic lites and getting out of town. We had river runs, tops of ridges, tree tunnels and just generally wonderful suitable for calendar pics. Speaking of pics...thanks JRMMIII for posting...GSXRBirch, stop over at house and I can download your phone pics to my movie program. Just delete the incriminating stuff. MikeXup??? Whaddya got? Couldn't ask for a better day weather wise. Best luck rolling with us....SOME in group realized that backroads could be used for spritely dashes. Hot Rod City was amazing....we showed up, they greeted us, served the drinks, took our orders and served the food...we were done paid our bills and out in 45 min. I got a few pics after all...so have assembled the usual DVD, but it only runs length of one hillbilly song...get me more pics, please. Hope some of ya walked around and checked out cars and automotive signs, gas pumps - stuff would make a great den (or garage)! bchristy sorry I missed your back home route...I was talking to another table about avoiding Millersburg. Annual Antique Festival and the Fall Leaf Tour same weekend. So did ya see the camel in the parade? One year we sat and watched some of the parade...so now I run the route away from the 'Burg. Usually the 1st weekend in October. Mark your calendars now! Whitestone...owe ya a lunch for long distance award! Pics, also we had motocyclista there and he positioned himself somewhere and did a photo journalist role. He should have pics, yell at him. Sunday was spartan traffic....very few cars out and a touch of Amish buggies, must not have been a church day that day. Speaking of Amishland...y'all enjoy that porta-john? Any port in a storm, eh? Sue still has the hand sanitizer in the cavernous scooter trunk. Roscoe Village had some sort of activity, but streets were open and we parked by stage. Frozen custard all around....took them longer for the dessert than the restaurant did to feed us! At Roscoe talking and learned that a Harley guy was a former Chopper builder. Doesn't build anymore, rides instead. Got tired of sitting in hot sun on pavement all day long at bike shows. Widlife? Sure you bet...besides learning that Keith (Mansfield) knew the owner of the Fox Hole and said he could get us in free!!! Okay, uh, okay, uh... the last third leg and we had a group of buzzards that we tooted and rev'd to scatter from their repast. Then we scurried a chicken off towards the barn - so they can cross the road! Not sure about the pony in Amishland standing on the bank next to the road. May have been tethered, but who knows? So how many had seen the dog riding in the trailer behind a bike? Truly a great day - most enjoyable. Thanks to one and all for being there. And for those that missed...Ya Shoulda, Woulda. Even the radar trap was facing the wrong way! Super day!!! Thanks again.
  9. Thanks again....good to see ya JRMMIII.....looks like me widdle phone is still jacking my words around. So time to find skis for the front wheel and bolts in the back tire?
  10. All done. Left dealership a little late and ending up passing the other half of the group going in the opposite direction. Since the 28 of us putter along at 35the for the next few miles and I had motioned to them to turn around....they never found us....well two of them found a few of us at Danville. Guess the Beemer guy ain' t talking to me now....we hung around & bye - time for the road trip. Absolutely great day and time. Momma unit managed to flip the scoot. Too much power...twisted the throttle from stop ...only back tire was in pea gravel....only incident. A new exhaust guard skill take care of it. Absolutely a great time.....28 for eat stop and that was after missing the other yahoos. They apparently chased us to Gambler, but couldn't find us. Slight variation on beginning route to make things flow nicer. 'Cept for that pea gravel. River runs, tree tunnels, top of ridges and even a rock face turn....most scenic. Pace was good and arrivals about the expected times. Hot Rod City greeted us ... seated us....drinks delivered, orders taken...food delivered in a total of 45the minutes. Nice job Hot Rod City. Don't know if any looked around at the cars inside, but I think we had decent meals and service. Owner poked his head out and thanked us...appreciated us stopping there. We waited longer at Roscoe for the ice cream! Good roads, scenic views and Amish Country to boot. Some were able to pick up pace a bit....and we all survived. Thanks to all who attended....just thinking if the other half had connected what a parade that would have been. Motoclee-sta got pics...a few others got some. My camera stayed in my pocket most of the time...so no DVD to be made. Thanks again one & all . 5 counties and mostly back roads!!!
  11. It's morning day of ride....cool and ugh hvy fog. Besides here...more regrets because of broken down bikes....better broke in the driveway than somewhere in Appalachia (how do you spell it?). I was looking forward to seeing the older bikes...oh well. Mansfield Keith 's phone has been busy since yesterday...do cell phones ring busy? Press on regardless....P.O.R. ....and IT'D....;-)
  12. Just in from today's out and about...squared off rear tire from following scooters. jrmmiii and others re: short routes. It is not a problem...route is set up and meanders along, but never really far from a state route back to civilization. Well maybe not so well in Baltic area. One guy called and saw route...said he knew a girl in Bakersville...figuring that'll be where he'll drop off. Southern boys (Nerk ..otherwise known as Newark) leaving at Coshocton...ride is flexible. Run what ya can. Over and out...roger willco yadda yadda....printing out route instructions for folks...banjo playing in the hills makes some nervous...so they can tuck written route away when they get separated from group.
  13. Keith from SR206, not to be confused with lil' Keith from Mansfield bringing folks in from there. No Cleveland folks confirming so saves me a stop. Done here. Everyone enjoy the weekend!
  14. Will do. Messing with bikes now. No idea on how the radio got it. Thought they were joking. Second guy came over from other building and said he heard one of the guys talking about it at church?! The member said he heard it on the radio. ?!!??!! But loving it. Two deer and a racoon that morning. Got a squirrel the other afternoon coming in. Thought he scrambled away, but back wheel got him. Didn' t add it too the BBQ liist though. We bunch up for protectio on ride in the AM. Usually too foggy to see much in morning. I think I see Kevin each morning riding in on his way to open up....he has the big scooter right? Meeting you at Danville. A few others to be there....Keith from 206 and Loudonville to be at Danville.
  15. Out today....looks like somebody has read the route...lotsa folks riding the backroads in Amishland. Even saw. Kawi....'cept his ride was full of kerosene...fill all them lamps, eh? The pickup truck pulled way over on 651's paved berm Kawi.....what was you doin' peaking at the Amish girls on the playground instead of driving??? HA...Good to see you...even if it was briefly...at least I waved. Nice day out...looking forward to Sunday!
  16. Inez...sorry being late getting back to ya. Newcomerstown is 5 miles east of SR751 junction. SR93 ison just a tad farther away onfrom SR36. A survivable 36 run. SR258 would be small slow spot at town and soon out and south. Great road. You would come up on Tusc. CR3.....258 turns and CR straight ahead, I believe. Staying on CR3 until ya see the sign directing you to I77....pretend like you want to go there and follow the sign....you'll come upon SR541. All nice pavement.....I think it put around 47 miles on one of my layouts for the leafy thing. Zoom zoom if ya like. SR 93 South from Baltic to SR36 (&'Fayette) pavement was pretty ratty. North above Baltic was repaved last summer to Sugarcreek.
  17. Short recap of riders. Father-son, father-daughter, spouses...newbs. So mixed experience and varying machines. Still no clue on actual numbers. Call offs....3 outa 4 of antique bikes out. Beemer folks...uhmmm, hard to say one guy emailed regrets racing instead. BUT thenthen we couldmight end up withand more Yuppies than a Starbucks in Seattle! Racers here in town are out...apparently racing this weekend. Jeez. Speaking of racers...JRMMIII....I talked with the beer girl at the stadium, she says... Her boy running a pro-mod bike. Says he took the whole shooting match at Norwalk. Weekend or two ago? Last weekend (?) set fastest qualifying right off the trailer Friday in Maryland. Her pink ZXR most likely not with us on leaf tour.....sort of sneered at my relaxed pace comment. Restaurant wanted #'s. I'll do a head count at dealership Sunday morning and call ahead. Logging out for now. ~Big Smiles
  18. Mansfield group led by guy from work. Keith. Be on a Harley...I call it sea foam green....he says steel...ha, ha. Nice color though.
  19. At work and a machinist came over to my bldg. Asked about the ride. Goldwing and can my wife come along? Sure. Saw the flyer somebody posted, eh? No....heard it on the radio! Say what? This is gonna be GREAT! We might need to find a bigger restaurant...the party area only seats 40. ROTFLMAO.
  20. LOL....Somebody posted a flyer at work...not me....looks like a bunch from work are planning on showing up...loving it!!!
  21. Big Smiles....looks like you' ll be buzzin' around us on the Fall Tour. We'll be at Roscoe with our ice cream watching ya zoom by!!! Ha! HAVE FUN. Throw in the extension I was gonna have ....east from SR93 on SR36 to Newcomerstown and take SR258 south to Tusc. Co. County Rd 3 then hook up with the neat eastern part of 541 from Kimbolton to Kershocton. Or another day perhaps....have fun.....we'll sit on a wall and enjoy our snacks while y'all zip around.
  22. 175 miles as mentioned above and ran it at a purposed sloooooow 45mph. So gas stop, stopping to eat and stopping for ice cream ... it took 5 and a half hours. Actually 5 hrs and 10 minutes. At Roscoe Village the group would be 36 to 38 miles from Mt. Vernon.
  23. Love this phone...yeah that' s it...Rodeo...was typed as Roscoe. I get party-line texts with this new technology as well.
  24. Modest pace. Assortment of bikes. Cruisers, scooters, touring bikes even Harleys. Meeting points. I' ll look thru posts here as I haven' t heard from Cleveland folks. If no northern Yankees are coming I can skip 9AM meet at Speedway gas station. Loudonville folks will just show ip at dealership as will the few I have talked with from Newark. Mansfield people will leave from McD's at Sr13 and Hanley Rd.@ 9:30AM. Trail boss there is Keith. He figures half hour to get to dealership in Mt. Vernon. Some folks are joining up at Danville' s gas stop. No word from Toledo folks. Fall Tour is on...especially hearing 70's and sunny. Yeah, that'll work for me. I did the complete loop with one tankful. Folks coming in...Danville is 20 miles from our start point. At Rodeos Village stop....gas station nearby, by Bob Evans. Then there is Wally World just back up SR36. We'll pass it on our way to Roscoe.
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