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Unk Greg

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Everything posted by Unk Greg

  1. 'Allo...mike...southside mt. vernon at 9:30...short ride and I have to leave for afternoon.stuff. Oh, sorry...i'll call ya. Nice pics to...thanks.
  2. DVDs in der mail....Slowroller..2 for you so you & Roy won't fight over it. 17 out....and computer saved it...amazing! Enjoy the movie folks. So mikexup...breakfast with bmw crud? Sunday is as close to any definitive with this crew.
  3. I always wanted to name a dog kitty...especially a BIG dog....then I can stick my head out the door and yell.....here kitty...kitty.
  4. Great to hear Roy doing better. I wondered about scooter being like a one pc frame....and way to go UP Mike had so much fun out on scooter....he's selling his real bikes. He texted me..ebay. Aprilia Touno (I want it)...and his just bought NOS kawi zxr...can't have but a few hunnert miles on it....but no scooter listed for sale...WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!???!!??
  5. Sue says she was afraid she was wearing hers out braking before the turns then accelerating.out of them (MSF course). She led us back on SR666...she'd been on it a coupla times before....local run for us...Popeye's in Dresden...for malts. Mike (mikexup) Musta really got bored as once we hit.60..er that be SR60 he checked.out on us.....we found him waiting at Tunnel Hill. Sue was concerned about holding folks up. Still learning she says. I'm ready for the Resurrect Roy Ride....once he is better of course. Sue said I can use her scooter. Watching the video...umpteenth time..I love the Vette trying to keep up with the scoots in the twisties...he of course in bright red car not realizing that UP passing by earlier had been tooting der scooter horn and hamming it up for the camera guy.
  6. Lol....lol....lol....oh, what are the scrapes under the muffler?
  7. I noticed a 4x4 turtle on scoot ride....had a lift kit in...Musta been a mudder. Nice mtg ya polls...and good to see howabusa again..caught ya early on my road check after evening storm.
  8. Otherwise some weekend....when I ain't riding.....'course if I don't got enough kerosene to power the computer...sol.
  9. YouTube....dvd is 22 + minutes and I sampled music....and this lil' phone ain't capable. Spend $3 & get a post office box for a coupla months and i'll mail ys. Lacking that I could pop for a flash drive and transfer still pics to it...then find a computer to borrow. BUT last time I tried sending it thru one of dem places....a.no.go..didn't recognize my format......IT folks welcome.
  10. Averages out it was open from there to killbuck. Wharz ur spirit of adventure?
  11. DVD dun...includes bonus featurette...pinning the throttle coming off the Mohawk Dam. Really smiling a lot here.
  12. Good to hear on Roy. Was concerned. Trust he is on the road to mend. Speedy recovery.
  13. Closer....so this is what facebook is like? It says it is burning my dvd. Hope Y'all like polka music..had to cover up the wind noise somehow. UP is the oh-fishul distribution house....I mean should it actually burn my master.
  14. Keep them fingers crossed it loaded....but I got one of those window dialog boxes...muttering something about exceeding memory capacity...good thing I cut it to only 22 minutes & 28 secs.
  15. DVD is loading as i write...rendering is at 56%...everyone cross your fingers the ole computer doesn't freeze up. Will advise later about successful burn of master.
  16. Okay...this video may be do-able. Got more pics and video than I thought. A chop here a clip there and cover the windnoise with music. This could work. I love the segment where all are breezing by with the futt, futt, futt of full song scooter with the Vette giving chase and its throaty exhaust note burbling and rumbling when backing off for the turn. Lotsa smiles.
  17. Quite a few claimed to have them for this ride...soccer mom said she'd ride. I told her I would oblige and then we can go somewhere after on the scooter. I wonder why she didn't show....other folks said Nelsons this weekend. Jeez. Charging batteries again in cameras...let's see whot I got pics and vids of.....then i'll pfight with memory lacking computer to burn DVD...Let's see sr83, sr555, sr666, then back on sr60. What'd I miss?
  18. Get 'em up scout....eye B here ta help. Weez all home in killbuckia. So lemme know...some other folks interested in learning the caves and grottos of this area...see newb strings.
  19. Howdy Kent sing out when you hit my neighborhood again. Danville gas station mtg spot...How ya been? Bring newbie along it ain't far from mansfeld. Rest of ya too any weekend...cept this one. On scooterific....it ain't to late or latch onto Inyaz road trip big boy rife...he is hitting almost all my haunts. RR grab howabusa and have him lead ya over to here. SR 39. Sorry this is your intro...WELCOME. Hope y'all can make it this way soon.
  20. Call me on my cell....i'll direct you from afar...on the scooter ride....I wonder how many harleys will be there...we always called them scooters in the hood. Should I leave a lite on for ya? Have fun be safe.
  21. Sorta my usual weekend ride then.
  22. Love the route...sr39 would be a lil' touristy infected...the cut off from cr22 a very nice run by the way had some bumpy patches on it last time I was on it. For those going too fast to read signs. CR22 stone church on right side and you'll see the trailer ahead on left....i think its a black camaro parked by white trlr.....but make the turn around the stone church....ah you'll see. Wife runs that route with scooter...part of the annual fall leaf tour....have fun kids.
  23. You're not goin'? Just poking around here while we're gone then?
  24. Speazy here practicing...cept he's on the blackbird.....time for root beer float....ROAD TRIP!!!!
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