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Everything posted by Moe7

  1. According to ticketmaster they're still available.. my friend just got some from them yesterday.
  2. Moe7

    Best Friend

    good luck man, more partying when you get back
  3. Best thing out of the HICAS package was the factory VLSD, and even that isn't all that great. Also, it was an option only from 91-93. BTW there was a HICAS system on older Infiniti Q45t's and J30t's as well (and Z32TT's obviously).
  4. lying sends you to hell graemlins/nonono.gif "manwithoutahat14 (2:54:03 PM): I really want a cheesesteak sammich"
  5. "manwithoutahat14: I really want a cheesesteak sammich" graemlins/gay.gif
  6. not really, that just wasn't funny. graemlins/wtf.gif
  7. Or you're just not funny.. Sorry bout the car, if he's around campus he'll be found.
  8. BUMP for a damn good deal on that Sanyo fridge.. I bought the exact same model (except white) for $120, if i had a use for it i'd buy it myself P.S. - my small ass carried that thing up and down 3 flights of stairs, its not that bad you wuss tongue.gif
  9. As far as I know Miami doesn't have an engineering program (or at least it didn't when I was looking at colleges 4 years ago).. I've always been a fan of OSU myself, but then again I've never really disliked the campus either (it really does grows on you, my old roomates who hated this place freshman year couldn't imagine going anywhere else now).. I actually switched out of ME to WE and have never looked back since, but the ME program here is great.. I'm sure Alex and Brett will give their input soon enough. Your best bet would be to talk to the advisors from any school you are considering and get as much information about the program itself as you can.
  10. I've never been there myself, but since a lot of people always ask me where i'm from, this is a good time to educate some of you fools.. tongue.gif Sri Lanka http://www.world66.com/myworld66/visitedCountries/worldmap?visited=LK
  11. Moe7

    BMW 750i

    repairs are expensive and they have electrical problems.. I'd go for a newer 740
  12. I've been on campus for 4 years and all that I've gotten stolen was my CD player once, one of the few times i didn't arm my alarm. Hope I didn't jinx myself.. redface.gif
  13. Moe7


  14. Moe7

    I need a smoke bomb!

    you don't need a smoke bomb.
  15. Moe7

    Clutch bleeding

    Sometimes theres a clutch dampener in the system that has to be bled as well, or removed.
  16. BTW that looks like a nice upgrade from the Corolla, better jump on it
  17. lol, i changed the thread title to avoid any confusion "Anyone get a good discount on *real* Oakleys?"
  18. Don't need them quickly, but I would need that specific model/color/lens, can you get that?
  19. Finally found a set of sunglasses that fit my small head comfortably, but I can't justify spending $140 on plastic sunglasses. Anyone have a discount they wouldn't mind sharing.. BTW, they are Oakley Minute Gunmetal w/Emerald Iridium lenses. Thanks E-mail: Morgan1774@aol.com AIM: Morgan1774 [ 29. April 2004, 03:09 PM: Message edited by: Morgan ]
  20. ^^^ I say we ban this tool for bringing him here
  21. A nice suspension would do more good than rims..
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