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Everything posted by Moe7

  1. STFU! I can pretend its an Audi redface.gif
  2. For Audi's you'll have some reliability issues no matter what year you get, best to get one with lower mileage. One thing to make sure is that the timing belt is changed ASAP if the car has over 50k on it (assuming you're looking at 1.8t's). If you do you own repairs (which i'm sure you will) they aren't too expensive to maintain. Just have to accept the fact that parts will cost a bit more and you need to stay ontop of maintenance. Search around on www.audiworld.com for some more information, definitely fun cars. A4s are starting to get a bad reputation because the price has come down quite a bit on earlier models ($6-7k isn't uncommon). People buy the cars cheap and get upset when they find the repair costs of a $30k german car.
  3. Modded TDI = NICE torque.. They make good reliable and economical daily drivers, a buddy of mine has one. They're actually in pretty high demand nowadays too.
  4. Get a traffic lawyer, thats your best bet..
  5. Get a traffic lawyer, thats your best bet..
  6. Moe7

    Souped up Beer

    If i remember right it tastes a bit like Mikes Hard Lemonade and beer mixed together.. But its been a while since I've tried it, I just remember comparing it to some other drink mixed with beer
  7. i'd say just go to the spray wash on 5th avenue.. its close and cheap ($1.50/3 minutes)
  8. FYI, the silver one everyone is referring to is a Celica (Supra maybe?)
  9. nice car.. i thought they came from the factory with rust, guess i was wrong tongue.gif
  10. I'd say the M3 simply because it has more usable space and would be easier to drive on a daily basis. If it was an extra car that would be a different story..
  11. I think thats possibly the longest run-on sentence i've ever read on this board (over 3 years)..
  12. you can switch ESN #'s online as well..
  13. what condition are the cards in?
  14. August '98.. wheres my prize? tongue.gif
  15. I was with Sprint for 5 years with no problems either.. In response to text messsaging.. I'm with Verizon now and I couldn't believe the costs to send/receive IMs. Thank god I can at least get on WAP sites for free.
  16. Advance carries them ..or you can order them from www.sparkplugs.com graemlins/thumb.gif
  17. Moe7

    Audi A4

    Repairs are expensive, but if you're willing to do them yourself and realize that german parts cost more $$$ you'll be alright. For modding, the 1.8T is the way to go as the 2.8 has a very limited aftermarket. Audi's aren't cars for everyone, if u're willing to stay ontop of maintenance and get a little dirty they are fun and rewarding cars that you'll have a lot of fun with. A general rule of thumb is to expect at least $1k worth of repairs per year. Search www.audiworld.com or ask if you need more info.
  18. If you can wait till the end of this week or even this weekend (once i get paid) I'll buy the set from you, assuming its all in good shape. If you *really* need the money now let me know too and I'll see what I can work out.. Morgan
  19. Moe7

    Im engaged!!

    holy shit hoblick settling down?? congrats man
  20. Parents finally got theirs back at around 6:30.. I was watching AEP work on it for ~5 hours. Temperature inside the house got down to around 40 degrees, I feel bad for those who still don't have power tonight..
  21. I think its more.. 50% driver/30% tire/20% vehicle. tongue.gif Even with quattro my all-season tires (pretty worn) made it an interesting drive.. Wish the tires I ordered 3 weeks ago weren't on a 6 week backorder I also drove the 240 (light, RWD, open-diff) for several years on horrible all-season tires and managed to never get stuck, so I can imagine the kind of fun you guys are having.
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