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Posts posted by Hwilli1647545487

  1. I guess this counts, currently in the process of getting my "music/computer room" organized. Need to put up a few more wall hangers. The gretsch in the middle needs some attention when I get around to it. Need to replace the jack on it and I think I'm going to swap out the pickups for something else




    I like that. Nice job.

  2. I'm not the only one, I'm just the only one willing to climb into the monkey cage and throw the feces back. why? probably because it's fun. it will stop being fun at some point, and then you guys can get back to not having your world views challenged.


    and it isn't so much me being right (which I do happen to be in this case) it's just to see how many times you guys are going to keep responding.


    Which point are you correct on? You've spun/diverted so many times in this thread you'lol have to be more specific.


    And you don't keep responding because we are. You're responding because you NEED to have the last word.

  3. what I actually said was...wow you didn't even understand "Good Will Hunting" and you are just as much a know it all as I am. But I did it in a polite way.


    tell you what....When I start telling you how to interpret people's dreams about them wanting to fuck their mothers feel free to use your "actual" knowledge to prove me wrong.


    If he can destroy you this easily on your area of "expertise" then God help you should you attempt to engage him in his.

  4. I'm renting a '15 Ford Focus with 22k miles on it, and the tranny shudders when I'm rolling off from stop. When it's cold, the pulleys hunt up and down the rev band. It's a really disconcerting feeling.


    Again - I realize it's an Avis rental car, but if you're going for a CVT, make sure you're at least the FIRST owner of the car - or you have a really good idea of who the P.O.'s were before you.


    Common problem. My girl has a 14 and the trans is a POS. many have been returned under lemon law suites.

  5. Sounds like a huge money grab on the NRAs part, at the detriment of the students and good instructors like yourself.


    Can you setup to have the students do the online portion, or at least part of it, at your place? That way you could still lead them like you currently do. Can you do a day long class where, whatever time and money portion is the CHL part.... and the rest is your own class? That way you technically meet what the NRA is requiring but can still do your own thing.


    Ok, I'm not a 'gun guy', so here's the part I really can't wrap my head around about all of this. Why is the NRA even involved in the CHL process? CHL is a issued from the state/county, under the guidance of state laws, but the only place you can get the certificate from is from this not for profit political group. Seems very confusing to me.



    The NRA has a standardized training program that is recognized by the states. There are other ways you can get certified.(OPATA for example), but the NRA is the most accessible certification for both students and instructors.

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