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Posts posted by Hwilli1647545487

  1. Don't talk shit you can't back up.


    Don't pretend you are some Lumberjack-Level, John Wayne style, God of a Man only to act like a Complete Bitch when those you deem below you call you out.


    I'm saying this with complete sincerity. No shit talking, no trolling.


    You need to stop. Log off CR for a few weeks. Go do some push-ups, get your shit together.


    You've constantly asked me for life advice, well here it is. Take a break, get your head right.

  2. eventually i'm probably going to come across someone's wife, girlfriend, mom, daughter, sister, cousin, co-worker, neighbor, or babysitter. trying to keep it as private as possible.


    You need to black out more then bud. I say go crazy, post them unedited.... It's more fun for us readers that way.

  3. Post some pictures people can help you value it and you might make some sales. I'm definitely interested. If you want to sell it for a lot value PM me. I'll be honest I'll be interested in most of it for resale but I do collect a few things. Don't have any micro machines do you!? Would definitely help point you in the right way though if your wanting to get the maximum amount out of it.


    I only brought back a few bins. I still need to get the rest down, and start going through it all.


    Again, it's all been played with, and then been in an attic for 30 years. I'm not sure how much is going to be at a collectible level.


    I'll update the thread when I'm further along with it. I just wanted to get an idea of whats/what.





  4. If it's not "new in box" or very close to it, most toys that aren't "collectible" in some way (e.g. brand-name Winchester roller-skates) are generally garage sale fodder. eBay is a great way to get an idea as to whether or not something's worth something, and just because you use it as a reference doesn't mean you actually have to go auction stuff there.



    Make sense. There is just SO much up there. No idea until I started looking.


    For example




    http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Tonka-Travel-Van-Pop-Up-Camper-Trailer-Plastic-Made-in-USA/161748646666?_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D35220%26meid%3D7dc5a101107046c180d7cf24bab515dd%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D4%26rkt%3D4%26sd%3D201395672784 but I have the complete set.


    Just weird shit. Anything from when I was 5-12 is stored up there I'm guessing.

  5. My parents are starting to get up there in age, so this Christmas I told them I would start cleaning all my old things out of their attic. Well apparently I took better care of my toys than my sister, as 90% of the shit up there is mine.


    We are talking late 70s, early 80s Gi Joe, Star Wars, Tonka, etc


    Is there a reasonably easy way to value and sell these things? I don't particularly want to deal with ebay.


    We aren't talking like new condition in the box toys. Sadly a lot of it has been temperature cycled in an attic for the last 30 years, but some things are still in really nice shape.





  6. A slight tangent but a couple books which mentally may help for this situation are:

    After You Shoot by Alan Korwin.

    In the Gravest Extreme by Massad Ayoob.


    Both are very good and offer advice for what can happen depending on what situation you end up in. I have Derek's number programmed into my phone but I also want to know what to do or not do if God forbid I am put in a bad situation.


    Chances are you will talk to a LEO or 911 operator before a lawyer. No one wants to make a bad situation worse by saying something that can lead to charges or a lawsuit.


    Excellent advice.

  7. I'm not an attorney (but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night)


    BUT, if I had to choose:


    A.) Something happens where I had to shoot someone to save my life, I had no idea who to call and ended up with court appointed representation.




    B.) Something happens where I had to shoot someone to save my life, I have the best attorney in the state on retainer, and a forum thread (evidence) of me asking for said info "just incase"




    I think I might rather be in position A.



    I don't agree. While I wouldn't necessarily put a lawyer on retainer, it is not a bad idea to have a reputable one in mind, and even go in and have a conversation.

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