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Everything posted by Hwilli1647545487

  1. Mine retired apparently. Preferably on the east side of cbus.
  2. It's not showing on my phone. You probably have a cached version. I
  3. Join date 2008. I realized after I posted these not enough OG members are probably on here anymore.
  4. http://www.roadandtrack.com/car-culture/features/a26101/illegal-street-racing-wont-go-away/
  5. I bet you could haul it with a car...
  6. It's going in a fixed location and i think my ceilings are 20 feet. The Max Jack wouldn't make sense for my application.
  7. I'm going to be buying a two post lift for my home shop here soon. Looking for some recommendations/real world experience from people who have one. Features to look for etc This will be used primarily for hobbiest/personal use. Though I am a buy once/cry once kind of guy. Thanks, Howard
  8. I do, I'm calling cps. What's your info?
  9. In some cases I would agree with you. In this instance the guy was wrong and chose to be aggressive and try and intimidate the op/his wife.
  10. File the claim with his insurance.
  11. Lots of great advice in this thread. Going to put on my Glock fanboy hat for a second. If you liked the way the Glock 19 felt in your hand when you shot it you probably won't go wrong buying that particular gun. I'd shoot an a Smith M&P also. Those two guns represent the two most prevalent grip angles. That will allow you to narrow your search down a bit.
  12. Do they come with a game cube and a bottle of axe body spray?
  13. You don't have the correct temperment to be in law enforcement.
  14. Didn't you just buy a really nice wheelbarrow?
  15. I'm planning on building a retaining wall cut down on the amount I need. Getting the dirt back in where I need it is going to be logistically challenging.
  16. The dirt is cheap, getting it hauled is typically the expense. I need to actually sit down and do a calculation on how much I need. I've been busy finishing my basement so the range hasn't gotten much attention.
  17. Any way possible? I need 20 yards of dirt delivered and setup on my property for my backstop . Sadly I don't have facilities yet. . Hopefully before the end of the summer everything will be done.
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