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Everything posted by Hwilli1647545487

  1. You can practice transitions drimfire, and you should. I'd be done with doing that kind of shooting though.
  2. May be interested, and I live close.
  3. Yes, but when I originally did it was for cost reasons. If you've been through Joe and I's classes I discuss this exact topic somewhat. Bottom handguns suck at killing people period, and all major handgun calibers are statistically within a very small percentage of each other. On average it takes 3 shots to stop someone. Practice and put the bullets where they need to go, and any caliber is going to serve you about the same. I personally prefer 9mm because it's cheaper, and I can carry more of it.
  4. You are going to lose velocity the shorter you go. You need to personally define your needs/use case and then pick the best setup for you.
  5. Im too lazy to type my answer out on my phone, but in short I personally run a 16" barrel. My 12.2 gun is in 300 blackout. I didn't validate all this guys numbers, but this should at least get you in the right direction. http://angry-peasants.blogspot.com/2012/08/effective-range-of-your-223-or-556-rifle.html?m=1
  6. I always hate commenting and judging videos like this based on these short clips... That being said I study this type of thing quite a bit. Two things come to mind. 1. Reacting to a pistol being drawn from a pocket is extremely hard. It is almost unbelievable how fast it come out. I've personally trained it, and it's tough to win. I was looking for a video where this happened to 3 police. All 3 got shot, one was killed and the perp escaped the scene. Now this cop already had his gun out so he has a little bit of help there, but there are several things you need to remember. 1. Action beats reaction every single time. 2. Handguns suck at killing people. In all likelihood at those distances both people involved are going to take rounds. The second thing that I see wrong here is mindset. That cops mind was not in the right place. He was most likely worried about all the media bs going on. he announced to the perp he wasn't going to shoot him. This reminds me of a video of an officer i watched where he did not surivive. The officer had been reprimanded for excessive force the week before. So he was very hesitant to shoot a man after a traffic stop.... Even after the person got out of his truck and pulled a semiautomatic rifle. The office continued to hesitate and was subsequently killed because of this hesitation. The video is infuriating to watch. Am I mad the officer didn't shoot the guy and everyone went home? Hell no, but it is my opinion that he was extremely lucky. Should he continue to use this method, eventually he will not be going home to his family. Again in my option this officer needs additional training. You can even see he uses the older traditional "tea cup" grip. Sorry for misspellings/grammar. This is a streaming consciousness post from my phone and has not been proofed.
  7. Worthington, I didn't read the whole thread just his last post. Regards, Hilliard
  8. Interested. What happened to the 3rd mag?
  9. I would throw a low profile gas block on. The front sight will show up as a smudge in your optic. That drove me crazy on mine.
  10. A grown man can like Hello Kitty....
  11. I just don't know about you Tilley. First the fridge with the Honda sticker on it now this. *shakes head*
  12. I want to compete against Clark this year.
  13. I thought the video I posted did a good explanation of the what and the why...
  14. Ventura to my knowledge never stated that what Kyle said was true. If he had that pretty much would have shot a hole in his case.
  15. Great class today. Thanks to all who attended.
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