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Everything posted by Hwilli1647545487

  1. Watched the first episode, well 15 mins of it. FUCKING SUCKED!
  2. I love the old man jokes BTW, they totally fit.
  3. Everyone is a midget when you are a 12' tall redheaded sideshow freak.
  4. I quote the wrong post, but I'm game if we do it while playing poker.
  5. I went to bed at 3:30, but I was drinking since 3ish at mrm
  6. Its cool bru, you're rep as a hardcore partier is safe with me. *Phil home in bed sipping tea with honey by 9:30*
  7. Bitch, I got there hours before you and left hours after you. You must have been tired after all the effort to sit down.
  8. Highlight of my weekend watching Phil try and climb up on the raised bar stool to sit down with ya. It took a good 5 minutes of wiggling and struggling starting with him launching himself up on the stool and landing on his chest. Then he had to pull his fat little body to a seated position with those stubby little arms. Good times.
  9. Could you perhaps give me some fashion advice?
  10. Sounds like a lot of hassle to save $35 for one month.
  11. OP, The mobile links you keep posting don't seem to work from desktops. Fix this going forward.
  12. First warning faggot, I've about had it with you.
  13. I think you texted me pics of this chicks ass before. Band isn't bad though
  14. Man rule #1, eat what you kill. I best see you nom noming some coon.
  15. You forgot to mention that when you woke up you had a boner... But seriously this dream represents your fear of transgenders, and your repulsion for your inability to stop yourself from wanting to be one (the gun not killing the tranny). The child represents your soul, and how your thoughts of being a transgender are killing you inside. You hate yourself and these thoughts, so you drink everynight to forget.
  16. 80mm turbo, boost by 4500rpm. Weeee
  17. I disagree. Since this is a used car decision he should compare cars in his price point. True the cars you listed were your competing group when the MKIV was released, but this isn't 1993 and he isn't buying new. And yes they are 2+2 cars, though fitting 4 adults in that car would not be comfortable.
  18. They wiegh between 3400-3600 depending on the trim. Hardtops wieghing much less. I've seen people getting them as low as 3200 without sacrificing much. Jesse is correct on the valvestem seals/front main seals. Leaking targa top seals are somewhat common, as is rear hatch rust. Also with any car of that age you should do all your normal mechanical inspections.
  19. BTW to the OP, I know of a Black/Black 6spd BPU+++++ car that may be for sale this Spring in your price range.
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