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Everything posted by Hwilli1647545487

  1. Befriend him. Let him know about Jesus. He is obviously a troubled person, and needs your guidance. Take him to church, let him know the lord. Give him more of your money if he needs it. Love him. Hug him often. Let him know he had value, and that you value him. Read the bible with him. Cook for him. Pray with him.
  2. Pathologically lie much? We can just get ahold of Mike Shepard from the charger forum to clear all this up. He's the guy that went to your house to collect parts you lied about shipping. Since he delt with this in person he should be able to confirm if it is you or your imaginary friend. BRB shooting him an email.
  3. I see everyone has been able to follow the directions in this thread to a T. Bravo CR Bravo..,,
  4. What's it like living in fear of an 18 year old kid?
  5. Step 1. Make me an admin again. Step 2. Sit back in wonder as I randomly abuse my power for my own amusement.
  6. I was always suprised at the inconsistancies between the LFF facilities. I would actualy drive to Henderson because I like the height of the benches better. The ones Hilliard felt like they were on the floor.
  7. The VoiceOver/dialog were extremely annoying/unoriginal.
  8. Show sucks, I'm not sure why I keep watching it.
  9. They will send you a free sample. The camp meal I ate wasn't bad, but the fact that it requires twice the amount of water as a mountain house is a big negative for hiking use.
  10. Wise Foods, though they seem to use more water than Mountain House. I also found they sample they sent me was overly salty.
  11. Start your own business, then you can make your own rules.
  12. Would you consider yourself a talented singer?
  13. I say whatever we do to Ringo we do to Ryan.
  14. Don't worry little buddy, I have you on speeddial should I ever need your wealth of combover knowledge. Unlikely, but I know youre there should I ever need you.
  15. Ever since we broke up and I stopped giving you the dock you've been following me around. Stalking me on facebook, creeping around my backyard, quoting me on cr... It ends now.
  16. Schmuck, I'm in. Lol at Tilley. Everyone else, you fail. You'll never amount to anything.
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