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Everything posted by Hwilli1647545487

  1. I was thinking about it, but I have a lot of stuff going on. It would be a pretty big time sink to get the car done, and it really doesn't seem worthwhile for me.
  2. Since people are getting thier entry fee back they should all toss it into a winner take all pot.
  3. So basically what you are saying is there is no prize and this is just for fun.
  4. You can edit your own thread title if you are smart enough.
  5. Properly? That shit was dumb as hell that night. To the OP, that guy just needed a hug. You failed him, and now you have to live with that for the rest of your life.
  6. After meeting you and seeing what you look like, and then reading many of your posts on here, I am convinced you are a serial killer.
  7. ever watch an animal die of renal failure?
  8. Trap it and relocate it. Or be a pussy. Of course we already know which option you'll choose.
  9. Whatcha going to do wif all dem ammo bwyan?
  10. OP is shady, and Gary is an idiot for helping fix a $100 car.
  11. You should get off your ass and do a two day hike before thinking about the AT.
  12. You are to soft to survive. Your best bet would to become someones bitch.
  13. In CA it is my understanding that it is legal to open carry as long as the firearm is unloaded. I was also under the impression you were required to provided a police officer with your name and address if asked, but were not required to provide ID if you were not operating a motor vehicle. Jeremy looks like he was trying to start shit IMO.
  14. I'm trying to get more in shape/more used to carrying a heavy load. I think I was hauling 40ish lbs my first time, which was rough. I'm super out of shape.
  15. After reading this, it is my opinion that he is having an affair with your wife. I would hire a PI, and go through her email/phone.
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