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Everything posted by Hwilli1647545487

  1. Oh look Gabe flaked, what a surprise.
  2. I hated the BF3 campaign. I'm digging the online play though.
  3. Doesn't mean you still can't fuck him over and post.
  4. http://www.toystable.com/WebStore/products_pictures/smurf388a.jpg
  5. Oh it has nothing to do with my fear of being bad. It's my aversion of commitment, and the cost involved I would like to play at some point though.
  6. I'd like to play, but I only have street hockey experience. I was ok at ice skating, but it's been awhile.
  7. I complimented you on the video and it's excellent clarity, and you went off the deep end. In the future I look forward to more of your work. Your brilliant capturing of the subject matter rivals that if many a high budget film. I see you going far if you can learn to curb your temper and homosexual yearnings.
  8. THAT'S EVEN MORE AMAZING! Just imagine what kind of top notch cinematography you could produce with real equipment! You could make the blacks really pop, and the night really show it's lightlessness while recording your triumphs. Lord knows I would want to document every event I exerienced if I owned as fine an automobile as you good sir.
  9. This. Definatly let us know if there is anything we can do.
  10. Posting for a friend. Original 1986 Marshall JCM 800 2205 Lead Series 2 Channel. Sound amazing! The amp that made Guns n Roses famous! (and countless others) Reissues are selling for $1500+ Own the real thing for have the cost. Contact Bill @ 740-550-9033. http://images.craigslist.org/5Q65W45U43n33m23l1b9t65276c03b18e165b.jpg http://images.craigslist.org/5Y45Z15U43na3p03l5b9tb67e480ec6601a94.jpg ---- Bad ass head, I would buy it, but i already have my MESA
  11. I think this thread busts creepy ryan out.
  12. Wait is this creepy Ryans friend? Ryan said you drive him out to buy the Volvo, but it's yours? Are you two married and it's both of yours? I'm confused.
  13. I would come out, but you hate me because I am white.
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