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Everything posted by Hwilli1647545487

  1. Someone here doesn't know their place in the pecking order....
  2. If I would have known you were selling it for only 2 bucks, I would have bought it.. and it doesnt looke correct with him driving it.. Sorry Shanton
  3. Could be, memory is going as I get older...
  4. Strangly I was having this same conversation about my car today.
  5. I knew it was coming, but still sad to see it happen. Vila doesn't have many posts, but he has been a part of this community longer than I have. Great guy, and great car.
  6. I bought you some adult diapers. I will drop them by tonight.
  7. Happy Bday man. We will have a knife fight later to celebrate in the customary fashion of your people.
  8. Good deal, I will give them both a call tommorrow. Thanks for the input guys.
  9. Rob, Do you have personal experience with either one?
  10. Lost a driveshaft today. Any good/trusted local driveshaft places I could take it to for a quote. I don't want to have to deal with balance issues, and I am trying to keep from spending 500 on a new one. TIA, Howard
  11. I havent read this whole thread, but it looks to me lilke Brian is just trying to find an excuse to take some cock...
  12. Also make sure it is up off the ground slightly. We bought one in college, and decided not to put the legs on.. thing would not dry. Put the legs on, and walla. Make sure air can get under it if you follow. Heating Element is fairly easy to change.
  13. Texas Representative Ron Paul ® 82.35% match
  14. I know everyone already knows he is the shit, but I figured I would say so once again. I bought an 86 S10 that needed the upper leaf spring mounts repaired. Not only did he make me kick ass new ones, and make new shackles (which wasn't part of the original deal). He went above and beyond and helped me change out my leaf springs when we found one was broken(again not part of the deal). The fab work looks awesome(though out of place on my beater). Matt, thanks again. Anyone need any fab work, Matt's your man.
  15. I am about to go crawl under the car....
  16. I dunno, I see a lot of bias in the cops story there.....
  17. We don't need people running our lives. Government is here to serve.... not to run my life. Personal accountability.
  18. I am for Ron Paul as well. I like the fact that he is taking a non polular stance. I also agree that he probably won't win his party nomination. Also my sister is a Democrate, and is amazed that we are for the same candidate. I personally am against big government. I want my privacy, and I want to be able to make my own choices. I am also tired of struggling everyday to make my bills, while paying 33% of my income to the government. I wish more people were for personal accountability, and less about wanting someone else to "fix everything" for them.
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