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Everything posted by Hwilli1647545487

  1. You couldn't help yourself could you.
  2. unfair use of mod powers... I declare Shenanigans.
  3. You make more whp, have a blown V8 (better powerband), and an automatic. Besides, you said you would race Sam for 20, why not me?
  4. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=64485253
  5. I know, you figure I would learn after oh... 8 years of it :-D
  6. I thought collectors plates meant no front plate... when I got mine I found out that is not the case. Pay the ticket and consider it luxury tax.
  7. Excellent, BRT. If you see a white guy with a red Independent Shirt splash around out there.. don't shoot. It's me.
  8. Iam just down the road from you. Roof is done. Now I get to play with the car
  9. Where do you live at in Hilliard, I am going to come jump in your pool.
  10. Perhaps my hint was not strong enough. Bring me some cookies.
  11. Couple of those kids were being smartasses... but that cop had no reason to use that amount of force on some 13 year old kids. He let his emotions get the best of him.
  12. http://www.epa.state.oh.us/pic/nr/1997/november/collplts.html Not sure if mine would pass or not. I have read of people being able to tune them enough with the AEM to pass without emissions equipment.
  13. Trans that didn't come equiped in the car, or was stolen from another car.
  14. I've been out in one way or another the last 4 weeks
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