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Everything posted by Hwilli1647545487

  1. I'll let it be your choice since you are at the disadvanage. I make 4 more whp than you
  2. Now I feel as if you are avoiding the subject...
  3. I thought I was first on your list
  4. That's exactly who it is, and I agree with Tilley 100%
  5. Didn't your age only show 19 a few months ago? Lying is a sin also you know. Edit, nm. I have you confused with bottlefed I think. My apologies
  6. Are you even old enough to drink? BTW God says beer is bad.
  7. It's not a W series tranny. It's V160, and if you can find one of those in a junkyard for 200, I will take 20.
  8. I could tell you were lying just from this paragraph.
  9. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v119/EndlessTragedy/GTFO%20my%20internets/berriesandcream.gif
  10. We do need to hang out soon, it's been too long.
  11. I work 11-8, after before or after that is possible.
  12. I still pass for 25 or under though. I will be forever young...
  13. I'm sorry, but your only rational solution is suicide.
  14. When I saw you and Hua line up I was like...that motherfu.. but then you didn't run. I was gonna be angry
  15. Sorry, I completely forgot about this thread. My argument wasn't about MPG, it was about range. Perhaps my 50 miles per tank would still be considered streetable... but how about a 5mpg and a 2 gallon fuel cell? That is the only point I was trying to make. Carry on.
  16. Actually I dont think that is accurate. I just got my collectors tags, and the woman said I am still required to display my front plate. Which I dont do... I consider it a luxury tax. I have only been stopped for it once in the 7 years I have had the car though.
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