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Everything posted by Hwilli1647545487

  1. I don't think you are responsible enough to own guns.
  2. I was switching between this and poker, and missed it What did whats his nuts do to pull out gold?
  3. Kirk, I didn't know you were in the medical field. What do you do exactly?
  4. I got off my ass and put this on Autotrader. Bump
  5. I will just go inside and entertain your wife.
  6. Can we sit next to each other and hold hands tonight?
  7. I'm not sure why, but this post makes me want to punch you in the face. I must go meditate on this.
  8. You have 22 posts, all in this thread alone. You lied and changed your age. You flaked out after locking in purching the FD in this thread because you decided you wanted a skyline instead. You are of no value to this site. Kill yourself.
  9. How many people have you killed with Racial violence?
  10. I fall in love with you more everyday. You dream big, and that is why I love you.
  11. I think you are kind of gay Chad. Just FYI
  12. The waters are cold and full of sharks.
  13. I am not threatened either, I only drive a lowely Nissan Maxima. Your #s just seem off to me. So have you actually trapped 160mph, and dynoed 1200whp? Or are you on here trying to come off like a badass?
  14. Something seems off here....
  15. I always heard if you cut an onion and put it on a sting it helps. NOt sure if it's BS or not though.
  16. 1. Pour a nice hot bath. 2. Turn on your Syris radio 3. Plug in PC 4. Place PC on edge of bath. 5. Get in bath. 6. slide PC into water with you.
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