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The Pikey

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Everything posted by The Pikey

  1. I know it's hard for you Casanova's to resist But please try and make useful responses to her questions....Thank you Scott peace
  2. Bump for the slow learners graemlins/slap.gif Scott peace
  3. No Biker Boyz allowed graemlins/gay.gif Scott peace
  4. Never speed between Sawmill and Tuttle road. There are always cops there waiting to hand out tickets. Especially when it's nice out. Anyone who posts about getting a ticket there will be graemlins/banned.gif Scott Peace
  5. If the problem is fixed..why the need to keep open? So people can make snide remarks about an issue they dont know half of? Scott Peace
  6. [ 09. July 2003, 05:46 AM: Message edited by: The Pikey ]
  7. I'm going to go...but I don't know if I'm going to dyno. Unless I get this shit fixed before then. Scott Peace
  8. Thanks Brett I wish I would have post my problem here when it first happened. I'm sure we would have solved it before the Supra meet. Scott peace
  9. If you aren't busy this weekend, I would like to try and pressurize the system. My turbos are still spinning long after I turn the car off. I did a compression test...150's across the board. Taking the wastegates off will be a major PITA...but I might have to redface.gif Again...thanks for the responses. Got twice as many here than Stupidforums graemlins/gay.gif Scott peace
  10. LOL... The Hallman is an MBC. I'm starting to think an intercooler hose clamp is not tight. I talked to Lee Howie, and he said he was having the same problem with his turbo Vette. Found out it was an IC clamp letting out out air when ever he made more than 7psi. Thanks for the responses Scott peace
  11. LOL...1.5 is around 20-21 psi. Not enough for me. I'm always in KILL mode Scott peace
  12. I have been having boost problems for over a month now. For the life of me, I don't know what the hell is wrong. I have changed all the vacuum hoses/bought a new boost controller and a Hallman on top of that. I'm trying to figure out my problem before I throw more $$$ at it. The problem I'm having is that car wont boost past 1.5 bar. I can adjust it lower than that, but not above. Once the boost reaches that level it will stop rising. Could there be pieces of hose lodged in the wastegate? Edit: I have the HKS 1.3 springs in the car...I have run as much as 2 bar plenty of times. For anyone that has an HKS GT wastgate. Is it possible for a spring to go bad? How can you tell if the wastegate is not working properly? Having the Twin setup means I have 2 wastegates to worry about. I don't have smokey start ups...so i don't thing a turbo is going bad. Sorry for the long winded post..but this problem is driving me insane Thanks Scott Peace
  13. 2bar...always graemlins/bubbrubb.gifgraemlins/bubbrubb.gif EVC EZ for me. Scott Peace
  14. Newbie question- I looked at Brian's website and saw the Supra. Is this the same one at the top of the list? I am curious as to how he puts that power to the road. Does he race from a "dig"? What ET's does this car run?</font> Yep thats the same guy. Dont think he wants to race from a dig as he'd just spin a circle. Just watch out from a roll with those 136 traps, off the squeeze. not sure if he wants his time posted on here, just look him up on supraforums.com his time and numbers are in his sig.</font>I coulda swore that 136mph was WITH the juice. </font>The 136 trap is without the nitrous, and a lot of wheel spin through 3rd gear. Once I get some real tires, and more practice, I'm sure I can hit low 140s off the juice. I have not used the bottle off the dyno. I'm having a hard time trying to figure out where to mount it. Scott Peace
  15. Thanks for the response. I don't have a FP regulator guage. But When the laptop is hooked up to it, it shows 02 readings in the high 8s and low 900s. It's probably something you need to be in the truck to feel, and understand a little better. Free rides smile.gif Scott Peace
  16. I have been having a problem with my Typhoon, and I was hoping someone could give me some answers. When I go WOT, the truck accelerates hard...then it falls on it's face at 60mph. I have a Continental 3000 stall in the truck now. I was told it was a lockup converter, but to be honest I don't know what to look for, or how the truck should respond when a converter locks up. The truck does have a DFI computer. Which supposedly can controls this. Can you add a lockup swith to a non lockup converter? Thanks for any help you can provide. I'm trying to sell it, but can't until I figure this problem out first. Scott peace
  17. is this for the supra?? they dont kick you out for trap speeds do they? tongue.gif that thing wont be seeing 11s unless they let you use the back of the staging lanes to start from unless of course this is for the typhoon then i agree with the above suggestions jeff</font> Yes...for the Supra:) But with my trap speeds I'll need a parachute I'm trying to become a "Squid" I want to sell the Tyhoon smile.gif Your car will be ready in 2 weeks right? Scott peace
  18. What good cage builders are there in town? I'm going to need one once I make a good pass...I know the Trails will boot me. Plus I want to be safe. I want it to be as solid, but not intrusive. Thanks for any help. Scott Peace
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