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The Pikey

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Everything posted by The Pikey

  1. http://mars.walagata.com/w/scottnewman/fedor_randleman.gif Scott Peace
  2. Evidently, the production based record was 240.1mph This is the new record holder... http://www.autocarmagazine.co.uk/News_Article.asp?NA_ID=213194&EL_ID=31114 Scott peace
  3. Rogue wave Kings of Convenience Jens Lekman The Postal Service/Death Cab for Cutie Red House Painters Alfie (nothing to do with the movie) John Legend Scott Peace
  4. Well, it looks like it will be released sooner than later...Feb 22 (fingers crossed) http://ps2.ign.com/articles/584/584767p1.html Scott Peace
  5. I hope this is not a repost redface.gif http://www.big-boys.com/articles/badweatherman.html Scott peace
  6. Johnny Carson died today of emphysema http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6504289/ Scott peace
  7. Hey Johnny, I live in Dublin. Don't listen to 1broke7 graemlins/supergay2.gif ...his blown motor count is up there with his post count graemlins/nutkick.gif Scott peace
  8. Hey Johnny, I live in Dublin. Don't listen to 1broke7 graemlins/supergay2.gif ...his blown motor count is up there with his post count graemlins/nutkick.gif Scott peace
  9. Damn...sorry to hear that. If she left you this time of year, she probably has a new branch to swing from. Scott peace
  10. The Pikey

    Your Ideal Girl

    I like way too many types of women to label a specific type, although I have never tried to be scientific with my tastes. I do lean more towards olive skin toned women...or brunettes. I'd marry Penelope Cruz right now if she knocked on my door. I usually know right away how I feel. There are women whom I find attractive..and then there's the ones that I'm attracted to (if that makes sense)...intrigued by. Even if we could find the ideal look, the odds of them feeling the same way in return are small. Lord knows what the hell women want graemlins/doh.gif Scott peace
  11. Hahhaha...I miss that song It won't kill you. Kings of Convenience - Misread Scott peace
  12. Enough with the threats...imaginary or not. Your friendly neighborhood Super Mod. Peace
  13. Viva is okay, as long as his mom is not pretending to be shocked at what he's done to the house. Oh yeah....Home Movies >>>>>>>>>>>>>* Scott peace
  14. I know you people want to flame, but this is the wrong forum. Keep it clean. Scott peace
  15. Would you let your kid ride this? graemlins/nonono.gif http://img45.exs.cx/img45/9448/donaldduckride.jpg Scott peace
  16. I'd still hit til I was shooting nothing but air, but it would be nice to get a warning if I was taking off her socks or shoes graemlins/wtf.gif Scott peace
  17. Nasty tits...and if she's going to put her naked pictures online for the world to see, she could at least have the nerve to tan with all of her clothes off. Scott peace
  18. Why is the letter "W" called double U, when it looks like double V? Scott Peace
  19. I'm not sure why they used that gay ass color to show off the new ZO6...here it is in black http://www.viperalley.com/gallery/data/500/112z06blackvettelowered2.jpg Scott Peace
  20. He didn't lead the healthiest life style redface.gif He actually claims to have contracted gonorrhea twice
  21. http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1493725/20041113/ol_dirty_bastard.jhtml?headlines=true Edit thread title...don't want people thinking our own Old Dirty Bastard is dead Scott peace [ 13. November 2004, 10:21 PM: Message edited by: The Pikey ]
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