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The Pikey

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Everything posted by The Pikey

  1. For the record...Mike broke maybe 6-7 passes after that. It was his first time on slicks, and he had a hard time doing a proper burnout. The thing that caused the damage was a burnout where he dry-hopped pretty bad, that's bad for any car. He was the first local RX7 in the 11s because he was the first to get his car properly setup and launched with slicks. Tony and Kyle had their cars on slicks before but didn't launch as hard as Mike did ( that's not a dig at Tony or Kyle either). Scott Peace
  2. Great run Mike Weren't you spinning a bit too? Scott peace
  3. Hahha...yes. My mother is white. I was just having some fun Just one mans cynical observation graemlins/grin2.gif Scott (sipping on Goose right now) peace
  4. What do I think of Anglo-Crombie and Fitch? As a Dublin resident... It's a bunch of frat-boy/homosexual (same difference) in training graemlins/gay.gif , Real World, Road Rules reality show rejects, pseudo models, shirt 2 sizes too small/popping your pink collar, skinny punks, Tuttle mall shopping, that look like a bunch of spikey/mop top haired, pillow biting sheep (followers). I made this post because I'm jealous Don't get me started on the fake thug FUBU crowd graemlins/nonono.gif Scott peace
  5. Nothing wrong with that at all...Keep those collars popped up graemlins/supergay.gif Scott Peace
  6. Nothing wrong with that at all...Keep those collars popped up graemlins/supergay.gif Scott Peace
  7. I would have at least gotten off my scooter and asked him if he was OK...if he said yes, I would have kicked him in his face for almost killing me Scott peace
  8. Wow...we were attacked twice, on the same date, one year apart? Scott Peace
  9. http://media.ebaumsworld.com/afroninja.mpg New link Scott peace
  10. http://media.ebaumsworld.com/afroninja.mpg Scott peace [ 28. August 2004, 08:29 PM: Message edited by: The Pikey ]
  11. http://maddox.xmission.com/ Read some of his movie reviews Scott Peace
  12. Damn...can a brotha get some props? Danny Glover killed one too, and then punked a whole gang of them back into space BTW...to the thread starter graemlins/thumb.gif That was worthy of Maddox Scott Peace
  13. You need more of a side angle on #1...to see the drop a little better. My half-breedness > yours Scott Peace
  14. graemlins/nutkick.gif The Pikey is omnipotent Holand... graemlins/gay.gif Scott peace
  15. HP per liter > Real track times graemlins/bubbrubb.gif Scott peace
  16. LOL...same here. I know a lot of people didn't like it, but it creeped me out for a few days. I'll probably see the Village too...it's like clicking on a link after everyone says not to graemlins/slap.gif Scott Peace
  17. Info on the thw guy who won... some info about Kimbo Kimbo, cousin of Emmanuel Augustus, is a badass Miami enforcer who fights for purses of 3-5 gs on a regular basis. He'll put up his money up against yours to find out who is superior. He doesn't care if it's at your place of work or in your own backyard. If you're willing to put up the dough, he'll fight you for it. In the clip below he attempts to earn more green by going heads up against another stocky brawler named Byrd. For those of you who don't know the full story behind that video, here goes. Kimbo Slice (amazingly that's his last name) is an ex-con who did ten years of hard time but was finally released about 10 months ago. He fights in underground boxing matches from time to time winning purses that range from 3-10 thousand gs. This year alone, he's 9-1. His lone loss was suffered when his opponent used mace. Kimbo acknowledges the loss because he says, "I shoulda kicked his ass much faster and knocked the bitch out cold. And before the fight we said no weapons, but didn't say no mace." Backed by the owner of a popular Miami based porn website, Kimbo earned his first 10 thousand dollar purse when he knocked out that same opponent in a rematch. The bout took but a mere 10 seconds. Not taking any chances, Kimbo pounced on his opponent 5 times after he was out cold. Kimbo is well aware that underground fighting is illegal but he cannot help it. He can't earn a decent living through legit means because of his prison track record. If you were a big bad ass in his situation and someone came up to you and said, "I know someone who will fight you for 10 grand heads up", you might consider it also. Kimbo is now considering turning pro through the advice of his cousin, Emmanuel Augustus, and local boxing trainers in Miami. Once he turns pro, he will leave his underground fighting days behind. As he contemplates the countless possibilities, Kimbo will continue to fight in underground battles to provide for himself and his disabled mother. As Kimbo so eloquently put it, "That's how a nigga eat." If you know any non-pro who is willing to wager 5-10 gs to go up against kimbo, email his manager at kimboslice@hotmail.com Scott Peace
  18. Not sure what the story is behind this fight. If you have a weak stomach, don't look at the other guys eye graemlins/puke.gif http://www.sublimedirectory.com/basement/media/kimbo.wmv Scott peace
  19. Come on now Joe....don't make me smite you graemlins/trout.gif Scott Peace
  20. My car has a quiet, LARGE exhaust because it needs it. If I could go with bigger piping I would...I would benefit from it. A loud exhaust with no go (a lot of domestics) is just as bad as an ugly fart can, I don't care how much better it sounds. Scott peace
  21. It's funny hearing the people saying that it was a cheap shot after he pushed the hell out of him graemlins/nutkick.gif Scott peace
  22. 23 is so 1992 graemlins/gay.gif Happy belated Scott peace
  23. You might want to get a hold of Supra Howard. He has that boost controller. Scott Peace
  24. The Pikey


    Lucious should have woke you up graemlins/gay.gif Scott peace
  25. The Pikey


    Cosmos...that is all. Scott peace
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