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The Pikey

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Everything posted by The Pikey

  1. He retired because he was tired of having surgeries on his knees. He went to OSU for pre-med. It's hard to jump back into after 8 years of pro ball. Scott peace
  2. Damn...I wouldn't change a thing about that car. Great job on keeping it sporty and classy Scott peace
  3. Does anyone know a good transport for a motorcycle? The bike needs to go to Florida. Thanks Scott peace
  4. Things must have changed a lot since my brother was playing for OSU. He didn't get any of the things Clarett is claiming to have received, and he was recruited just as heavily if not more than Moe. Scott Peace
  5. Thanks man...that worked. I had tried it before, but I didn't know they had a log site. Thanks to everyone else and their responses
  6. It just says: Parasite Check completed. Nothing else. I have tried all of the above with No success What ever is causing the damn problem is soley related to IE browsing. They don't pop up unless I change a page or move forwards and back. How do I locate IE commands? I have blocked the site with security, and it still pops up...this is the site(Don't Click!!!):
  7. I'm not sure which files are standard or which one doesn't belong. There's a CTHELPER.EXE...any clue what that is?
  8. How do I get rid of popups that only show up when I use IE (without switching browsers)? If I switch sites, or move forward or backwards, random poker or ad sites come up. I have swept (ad-aware/spybot), and I have a firewall. I have checked my processes...not sure what to remove. I'll take my chances of removing something critical...I have reformatted three times this year already graemlins/doh.gif Why do the nerds do this shit? Edit: Don't say " Stop looking at porn!!" graemlins/slap.gif Thanks for any help. Scott peace
  9. I might be using bad judgement, but I'm going to lock this thread. The only right-hand drive car that I know(that's not a civil service car) is a Skyline. I'm sure there are better forums to ask than this one. Scott peace
  10. It's borderline flame-bait.
  11. Keeping my eye on this thread graemlins/nonono.gif Scott Peace
  12. If you have fake breasts, all you're getting is fake money from me. Scott peace
  13. The matter has been discussed. He's getting a month vacation. Any questions...hit me on AIM: Robviper26 Scott peace
  14. graemlins/gay.gifgraemlins/supergay.gifgraemlins/gay.gifgraemlins/supergay.gifgraemlins/gay.gifgraemlins/supergay.gifgraemlins/gay.gif I love that smiley!!! I love CR even more... Scott peace
  15. But that team didn't lose in the bottom of the 9th, up one run, of game 7 Scott peace
  16. I agree with what you said frat boy They should not benifit from being in the best market like they are. I'm sure the union would bitch a fit if they capped salaries. Reminds me of the 97 Marlins that beat the Indians graemlins/doh.gif That was a ringer team if I ever saw one. One and done...garage sale the next year. Last year's Marlin team was well managed though. Scott Peace
  17. I liked the part when the Taliban guy says he feels sorry for that ladies husband...Pure comedy Scott peace
  18. Come on guys...lighten up...last warning.
  19. Stick to the topic. If he wanted to sell the car he would not have made the post. The Boss Peace
  20. I knew Gotham had it, but I could never get used to the way it plays/drives compared to the GT series. Scott peace
  21. The worst part is they wont have online play graemlins/gay.gif The best part is that it will have the Nurburgring Scott Peace
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