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Everything posted by 1Quik7

  1. Getting super tired of people with clip-boards ringing my doorbell. I work nights so I sleep during the day and I have dogs which go berserk. I live in a neighborhood off Park near Polaris and I swear people specifically come to our neighborhood to peddle their stupid shit. Its unreal, I've never seen more solicitors in my life. Was thinking about putting up a "No Soliciting" but strongly doubt that these people would even understand what that means. Anyone had experience with this? What seemed to work, if anything?
  2. I've never bought a modded one from a dealership but have bought several off forums. Even if minor issues arise it'll usually still be cheaper than paying for the parts and install. The only downside is having a car thats not really "yours".
  3. Just saw the combo tickets in the store yesterday, $62 not bad for both parks.
  4. Anyone know how much the Kings/Cedar combo tickets are at Kroger? Been hearing it on the radio.
  5. Forgeline did make some that look similar to those...but their prolly Forgerylines
  6. Posting this up for sale, just stole a 7990 on Ebay. This is for just the card only, I don't have boxes or CF bridges anymore. http://www.sapphiretech.com/presentation/product/product_index.aspx?pid=287&lid=1 I've had this card since they released them. It's never been OC'd or used for mining and I always ran the fans manually since these like to run so damn hot before they start to cool themselves. This card still runs everything I throw at it, a lot of Eyefinity(3 screen) games can play upwards of High Settings(Left4Dead2, War Thunder, Tera, etc.) It would probably struggle on some of the newer titles like Arma 3 or FarCry, but should be fine on a single screen. Would make a great addition to a budget build, it's double-slot and 11" long....just make sure you have room!
  7. ttt Can someone lock him out of this thread? or change his name to Mojo-Metroid...because he is sucking the fun out of this thread.
  8. She drifted way Left of Center...but I will say she didn't panic and remained calm unlike most of the others.
  9. Still one of my favs..guy is shifting gears like a bauce
  10. Ding! It's the Caribbean of that nasty state up North....insanely beautiful waters. Traverse City isn't that far away and its a nice little town.
  11. I've got money burning a hole in my pocket lately and I need a new hobby. I've always loved airplanes and wanted an rc, plus I've also got a few large parks within walking distance, Hurricane Hobbies and the airstrip at Alum Creek right around the corner...so it seems like I'm in a prime location. Since we have a never ending polar vortex I'll probably start out with a sim(plus I can play at work as well) and wait for Spring to grab a trainer. I'm looking at RF 7.5 with the 6ch radio that I can use with the plane as well. I've flown real planes but never an rc...hopefully my general understanding of flight characteristics will make it a bit easier. Any cool local clubs? Suggestions or tips?
  12. When a lowly Paxton + Headers is 15k installed...I'd bet this is upwards of 40k. Gotta pay that "Viper Tax".
  13. Extremely random this thread is here. During shift change this morning one of the guys was talking about this store and I'm the only one who remembered it. It was a cross between Best Buy and Sharper Image...lots of cool high end somewhat needless electronics. I remembering wow'ing over a $4k Pioneer Laser Disc player. The guy who was talking about the Incredible Universe got mad because no one remembered it....he went on to complain "you probably don't know what Borders is or Media Play!" I miss some of those brick and mortar stores.
  14. YES. Every time they clear out a new area my wife asks me what they're building....my answer is always....more apartments.
  15. Does anyone know why they play the Championships on a weekday...that shit pisses me off.
  16. Thats just the updated "stock" bumper and turn lenses that were continued in Japan after they stopped selling the cars here in the states.
  17. Like the title says...anyone doing anything fun, or are all you alkys taking it easy and waiting to get hammered watching football all day Thursday? I was gonna head to Mad River until I saw the numbers, now might look into something a little warmer....and yes I'll be saving some of my liver for tomorrows games.
  18. The end was pretty lame as well....where they said the U had the most National Titles as anyone from 1983-2002 at 6...then they blow a whistle and drop a flag on the screen and the count goes down to 5.
  19. It's funny someone on ESPN complained about this saying NCAA football is turning into Arena football...and there are great Defensive Coordinators who aren't being fully utilized, LOL. I kinda see that.
  20. JP can make that move...if anything goes wrong he can wrench it himself. The_Buster should not make that move......but prolly would try.
  21. I wore a bowtie with suspenders to a wedding a few years ago just to stand out and had a hell of a time just finding one. Now the damn things are everywhere. My new kick is a suit with neck-tie and a clean pair of white Pumas. Fuck those gay dress shoes. I say contrasting neck-tie or something else to grab attention.
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