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Everything posted by 1Quik7

  1. I live up by Polaris and haven't noticed anything. The Budweiser plant does put off some odor, and no, it's not delicious like beer. It smells like cheap rotting dog food.
  2. Mine was an '04 with 69k and the insurance company totaled it and gave me $14500. Make sure you set aside a few hundred dollars for a short shifter. You WILL want to replace the pathetic pudding stick that comes with it. I never had any major issues with mine, mostly just electrical bugs and the starter went out. It was a fun car and got decent gas mileage for what it is.
  3. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-WoCmA0jpQ4E/UIAFOvloAVI/AAAAAAAAAHs/OGwnXCgNQrI/s1600/Nissan+Juke+R+3.jpg
  4. Linux has come a long way and some of the new distros are very Windows friendly and simple to use. From the way you describe her, she sounds like she would be a Linux user anyway...at least she would like the idea of Linux being a free, open-source program. I would send her a Linux Mint or Ubuntu disc. At least get her up and running to hold her over until she can scrounge up some cash for Windows.
  5. This. Or waste your money at Tiffany's. Girls are pretty simple creatures.
  6. Pantera GTS with a 4-rotor swap.
  7. I know I'm not the only it bothers that this show is "Street Outlaws" when all the cars are trailer queens. It shoulda been called "Pinks: Street Fight." Nevertheless I might catch it.
  8. We were just up at Mad River and the place went nuts when Auburn ran that back.
  9. I'm sorry, I think Paul was a terrible actor, but nevertheless, it's sad that this happened. Yet another flaming Porsche crash, a la Ryan Dunn. Probably speed and alcohol involved and innocent victims. Be safe out there people.
  10. Ask around for local bars, there are Ohio State bars in every state it seems. We were just out in Santa Barbara a few weeks ago and went to a local "Buckeye" bar, it was like being on campus. Of course, the pre-game started at like 6AM local time
  11. Who said what now? I'll be there. I was sad the game is at Noon, now I'm kinda glad. Anyone else as excited as me?
  12. I don't care what Bowl Game we go to, I just want to see an epic beatdown at Ann Arbor. Another historic point spread like Penn State would make me a happy camper for the season. I really feel the standings won't change much, at least 1-5 and that we are destined for a Rose Bowl. Alabama had a tough road at the beginning of the year, then the SEC crapped out. Florida State had a pretty easy road, as did we. They are the crowd favorite though. They are the Notre Dame of the South, nut-swingers and sac-riders come from far and wide.
  13. After some soul searching, I've decided to keep the 'ole girl around. NOT FOR SALE.
  14. Well being that they're 1-7 on the year now prolly cut down on attendance
  15. Yea that was me, got some free air from the GetGo.
  16. http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa15/1Quik7/CAM00124_zps94ee705a.jpg http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa15/1Quik7/CAM00115_zps1e767770.jpg http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa15/1Quik7/CAM00118_zps208c1e25.jpg http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa15/1Quik7/CAM00110_zpsde54572d.jpg http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa15/1Quik7/CAM00105_zps62ca3aae.jpg http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa15/1Quik7/CAM00119_zpsc91dc6bd.jpg http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa15/1Quik7/CAM00109_zpsb9314588.jpg http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa15/1Quik7/CAM00120_zpsb6afa4a3.jpg
  17. No dyno sheets, never been to the track. It's a pampered garage girl that I rarely drive.
  18. Never bought the hitch. Er...*she* never bought the hitch It was never given a tow rating from Dodge, while it does have all the necessary attachments hidden in the bumper. Plenty of guys on the forum have towed theirs for the entire lifetime of the truck, not sure why Dodge didn't rate it. With the 4.56 gears and heavy duty clutch, there should be no issues.
  19. Yea, that was a Tom Hanks in Philadelphia handshake for sure.
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