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Everything posted by 1Quik7

  1. i have tried rolling the fender, we have taken off a good 1-1/2" of the fender itself then tried hammering and rolling it from there...still no dice. i seriously need the fender pretty much cut-off. and yes i know welding it won't prevent rust, but the outer panel is splitting from the inner body panel and i would like to have them connected again via a piece of metal so i can rust-proof it.
  2. some might be familiar with my car...some not. i need a little cutting and welding done and was wondering if any of you had a little spare time to make some extra money. basically what is needed...i have 18x13" wheels in the rear for my fender flares, they sit out past the actual metal fenders of the car...so everytime i get on it, the car squats and the metal fenders groove into my tires. the RX7 Store tried shaving them back a bit, we got about an inch or so off...but they really don't have the right tools for the job. i just need the original fenders cut back, and then have it welded off to seal it from corrosion. also, i am thinking of putting some kind of muffler into my exhaust, the only poblem is the diameter is a little larger than 4"...so some kind of fabricating may be involved. if anyone is interested in making a little extra money, let me know...i really don't think either of these should take all that much time.
  3. 1Quik7

    MILF bars?

    been there...they never bite for some reason...i think they act snooty...it's kinda funny.
  4. 1Quik7

    MILF bars?

    have a friend who is really into MILF's and he wanted to know where some more bars are that are predominantly an 'older' crowd. so far "On the Rocks, "Cosmos", "J. Lindsays", and "Lucky's" have all paid off rather nicely...any more in the Dublin/Hillard/Powell area?
  5. i dunno Joe, i'm sorry but Pontiac has sure come out with some ugly ass vehicles lately, and their attention to detail has always been shit(i.e. the plastic shitty interiors)..though i'm not a fan of Buick either but at least they have Tiger Woods as a spokesperson. i've always looked at Pontiac the same way i looked at their Fiero...just left over parts from Chevy vehicles. back in the day they used to be their own company...but anymore under the management of GMC they're are just the fallguy. everything in their arsenal either looks like a Grand Prix or the Aztec(Vibe,hahaha). and yes i have been drinkign...so what? you have a problem? 40mph roll, all motor...if not i know a guy with a GTO that's faster than you
  6. hmm..something sounds fishy..maybe the new motor has 35k miles on it..anyone who sells an original 35k mile car for $9k is either stupid or they aren't telling you everything. regardless, even if it is not the original motor and the car is clean, that is still a good price. most people look for cars with blown motors for that price to build them up...i'd say snatch it up if it's clean and mod it from there...drop a new ported motor and single turbo in it..etc, etc.
  7. 1Quik7

    The Mind Boggles

    it's not stupid...it's really interesting, funny how people from the past viewed the future. back then that box was a technical marvel, just 70yrs later it looks like a hunk of junk. this thing obviously doesn't work, but it is nice for a display piece..like at Ripley's or somewhere like that.
  8. i think it's chopped too...doesn't that look like Teen Tiffany? if so, she does have a great pooper.
  9. 1Quik7

    + beers

    you need to quit drinking Bud Light or whatever water it is you are drinking...that stuff can't get a 4yr old drunk...need to get some Steel Reserve or something with a little 'kick'
  10. hah, true. he told me him and Mike use the shop PC's to look at gay porn.(PS- wipe down your mouse in the morning)
  11. money is no object i don't need anything "state of the art" just something somewhat up to date. i have been looking and it seems everything is 'onboard' anymore. what are these 'Sempron' CPU's? is there a noticeable difference between EIDE/SATA?
  12. i usually upgrade my 'rig' twice a year, and this one is getting out of date. i have been out of the 'loop' for quite a while now, last time i heard 8x AGP was just coming out...what is the 'new hotness'? any new technologies i should be looking for? i'll be looking to rebuild most of it, maybe not the vidi card though(i sill love my GF3 500, it does fine for me). i am partial to AMD, any new RAM or CPU architecture? fill me in guys =)
  13. i'd go with anoything that is a 'pillow top', they are so much more comfy than a normal mattress.
  14. you video game nerds need to get laid...and not by your girlfirends of 1+ years...a hott stranger!
  15. when i was there they had a red card and a green card. the red was to just browse thru the dogs and meet them, the green card was to actually pick a dog you wished to adopt. maybe different workers do it different ways? Sam, did you try the shelter up near Roberts Rd? it's a much nicer place, and they get in some really nice dogs from time to time. they had an Italian Greyhoud(easily $1000 dog) for $99...of course the waiting list was miles long...but you never know. why are you getting a dog anyways? just get another cat for Mappy.
  16. i got my dog from there, i had to lie on the application...i filled it out 3 times and they denied me for some odd reson, so i just lied about everything. 3rd times a charm! oh well.
  17. 1Quik7

    First Mod

    Chip for the Audi. RX7 pretty much got everything right away.
  18. that hotel is amazing. it's in Dubai, the Burj Al Arab it's a 6-star hotel because the service is absolutely amazing. each floor has so many servants devoted to the guests, i wanna say each guests has at least 2 people catering to them around the clock. i watched a show on Travel about it a while ago....i wanna go there. the inside is stunning.
  19. Florida i love it down here, i agree the Lauderdale area is kinda pricey, but the Orlando area isn't bad at all. the weather and the palm trees are worth it.
  20. he says he doesn't want a large car, last time i checked, a 4-door GTP wasn't that small
  21. 1Quik7

    Viper burnout

    Viper's do sound kinda strange, they don't sound mean like a big block V8...or exotic like a V12 Ferrari...not really sure why, i always thought it was because the cylinders don't fire in a 'normal' order. i always wanted to see if i could so something to make mine sound meaner, but i guess the more you open them up, the worse they sound...kinda like an RX7 tongue.gif
  22. Jeff hooked me up on my bodywork...he gave me a pretty good deal.
  23. graemlins/thatfunny.gif corolla pwns joo! yea...they are pretty "old" looking, maybe if you took the center caps out they might look a little more "racey"?
  24. awe how cute...you got a little horsey on your arm tongue.gif
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