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Everything posted by 1Quik7

  1. My Choices Tupac - an obvious for my generation, a true ghetto poet Marvin Gaye - shot by his own father, he was one of the greats Sinatra - the true 'entertainer'
  2. i'd take a chick who's hit in the face(to an extent, no deformities), but has a killer body...it's less to worry about when she's out with her frineds =)
  3. you shouldn't be watching that shit to begin with...look at what it is, 'Sweet 16'...MTV targets mostly high school kids anymore. why don't they have 'My Wild 21' where people go get wasted and naked and shit, because it would be a bad example for all the kiddies. MTV is so weak anymore, i might catch 'Viva la Bam' but that is about it, that channel has sucked for years. forget that 'Sweet 16' shit, you wanna talk about an annoying show, Road Rules/Real World...that show can kiss my fucking ass, i think 9/10 times i flip past MTV that fucking show is on, until someone comes out with "The Running Man"...reality tv needs to stop.
  4. if you had a 'passion for motorsports' then it wouldn't matter what he drives, as long as he enjoys what he does with it. you don't need horsepower to have fun in a car, people with the 'passion' would know that. graemlins/nonono.gif
  5. 1Quik7

    Pimp Watch

    i pimp a Breitling...i enjoy their customer relations...a little box of chocolates and a catalogue every six months, it's a nice touch.
  6. have been actually flying the past few days, and that shit is crazy, i have never been in such a small plane(Cessna 172) so needless to say i was nervous, but after a day or so i had taken to it like a duck in water...doing stalls, steep turns, un-assisted takeoffs and landings...i am ahead of the 'curve' and the lesson plans by quite a bit, they were really impressed with me in the simulator and even more so in the airplane...must be all those years of video games smile.gif just wondering if anyone here flies, and what kinda time they have? i assume it will eventually become second nature, almost like driving a car...because i still get a little nervous.
  7. agreed. gay. i like Hua, and so what if he runs 13's?...next time i go to the track i'll post vids of a bridgported/T51 RX7 running 15's!
  8. i'm sorry, but my heart will always belong to Mya http://gallery.mail2fans.com/gallery/zoom/3951.jpg [ 03. February 2005, 03:49 PM: Message edited by: 1Quik7 ]
  9. yea..Kelly Rowland is smokin' hot..i don't care what color they are, i don't even care if they are from this planet
  10. yea..Kelly Rowland is smokin' hot..i don't care what color they are, i don't even care if they are from this planet
  11. make sure to bring a jacket, it's been kinda chilly down here lately...but of course you'll think it's a heat wave.
  12. first of all, spool is 'over-rated'...i run a T51 and i really can't complain about the spool time anymore, it is right about in line with a T78 or equiv...the only real drawback is that the power doesn't come on very linear, it's pretty wimpy, then you just get a swift kick in the pants. if you plan on running the car in Auto-X, then by all means you'll want a small single or twin setup...if it's going to be a daily driver and you forsee lots of highway pulls, then i wouldn't hesitate for a decent sized single. i thought about doing a set of large twins, the biggest drawback for me was that if something were to happen, you typically have to have 2 turbos rebuilt instead of just one.
  13. yes...the PowerFC is about the only 'computer' you will ever need, until you start running with the big dogs, then maybe a Haltech(but that is debatable)i am still running a PFC, it is totally worth the money, it does everything.
  14. i have my project car, my RX7..i'll probably keep this car for a very long time, just switching it up when i get bored with it, 20B, LSx, Turbo Buick, Supra swap...who knows?
  15. and if you don't pay up...he'll have his hired Asian thug take you out smile.gif
  16. am i reading that price right?!?!
  17. yea..sounds a little fishy...i have 1 failure to yield ticket, and 1 wreckless op for crashing the Viper...although our original insurance company chose to drop us our new company has me paying around $2800/yr on my Audi
  18. i really dont think you should be worried about throttle bodies and manifolds....i am running a T51 and haven't begun thinking about that crap yet.....although.....
  19. "why do women have boobs?...so you got something to look at when you're talking to 'em" -Peter Griffin
  20. Audio Encounters carries Magnepan(at least they used too)...they are off of Bethel i think...really close to LaScala. Martin Logans are electro-static(big difference) i used to own a set, the Maggies were a tough act to beat, but they overall look of the Martin's won out. oh yeah...the MMG's are usually on manufacture back-order, people use them as all channels, even center, so there is a staggering demand. my advice would be to never buy anything from Progressive, they want way too much....check out www.Audiogon.com there are a lot of demos and low hour equipment on there from true audiophiles. oh yea, you should also plan on buying an amp, "planar" speakers love power, they draw amps like no other.
  21. yea, you don't need to get too crazy to enjoy these cars. 350whp is more than enough to get into trouble in one of these, and that is very do-able and very reliable...just take a ride in some of the locals when you get back.
  22. i think the term 'Hero' is used too loosely anymore. they will be look at with respect and pride, but not all are 'Heroes'. the ones who gave that ultimate sacrifice are definetly 'Heroes'...to die for your country is very noble. i just find it more respectful for those deserving of that title. it's like giving a 1st place medal to anyone who showed up at the race, kinda pointless, it loses its true meaning. i have a friend over in Quatar right now, he does something with radios...should he be labeled the same as the guy who died trying to save his friends? i dunno, just my $.02.
  23. that is a toughy, while an alcoholic beverage would be a good choice, what if you have a 'rough' night and cant drink it anymore without throwing up? i'll go with Tea
  24. what local FD owners are you talking about? redface.gif
  25. 1Quik7

    good movies

    Shawshank Redemption Band of Brothers (more like 10 short movies in a series, the special effects are amazing)
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