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Everything posted by Farkas

  1. Correct. It's really never the springs themselves that cause bounciness, instead it's lack of dampening after lowering a car and blowing shocks. Usually anything up to about an inch and a half is pretty safe, but any more than that can get a bit hairy as far as shock wear goes. I think I even read somewhere, that by cutting linear springs you very slightly increase the linear springrate, or something crazy like that.
  2. Farkas

    Columbus Racing?

    Erik, my yard needs a little trimming... if you catch my drift
  3. Farkas

    Columbus Racing?

  4. Farkas

    Columbus Racing?

    Hey there, sugar tits.
  5. Farkas

    Columbus Racing?

  6. What's the difference between Helen Keller and a Woman? Nothing, they both can't drive.
  7. I was hoping for an F20C longblock.
  8. Shooting a dog is messed up in the first place, but shooting a dog three times with a shotgun is retarded.
  9. Honestly, I could name a few pornstars I would give a left nut to fuck.. So, I can agree with that one, lol.
  10. Which Urban Active are you at? I go to the one in New Albany, off Hamilton Rd. nightly.
  11. Now, this is sick as fuck. Do you know if it will go any lower?
  12. Search.. I already said what was going on.
  13. I'm no expert, but that just looks infected to me.. Staph looks completely different all the times I've seen it. Google search for staph, and look at the attributes that accompany a staph sore. Until you see a doctor, I'd probably use some neosporin or something of the like.
  14. http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs115.snc3/16247_1212402237004_1437210363_30819081_2934102_n.jpg http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs110.snc3/15753_1212431917746_1437210220_30819367_4406908_n.jpg
  15. I'mma one-up you, Bob. Meet.... Spence. http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs115.snc3/16247_1212402237004_1437210363_30819081_2934102_n.jpg
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