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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. Looks like the address for those is (weird) and the username is blank and password is printed on the router itself.
  2. Hold windows key+r Type cmd <enter> Type ipconfig <enter> Look for your default gateway (should be or Type that into your internet browser bar. It will prompt you for a password. You've likely never logged into it, so the default login id and password should be "admin" and "password", or "Admin" and nothing, or sometimes it's a bunch of gibberish printed on the sticker on the router.. Google your model to see what the defaults are. From there you can go into some sort of parental controls and mess with timers, create a bedtime, restrict content, etc. You may want to change the login id and password while you're at it, because if I were 18 I'd be Googling a way to log in and change it back.
  3. You mean like the one I posted?
  4. 445hp https://www.autotrader.com/cars-for-sale/vehicledetails.xhtml?listingId=511446525 402hp https://www.autotrader.com/cars-for-sale/vehicledetails.xhtml?listingId=519390485 400hp https://www.autotrader.com/cars-for-sale/vehicledetails.xhtml?listingId=518956842 people go 5 under in front of you because you're a cop so power doesn't matter https://www.autotrader.com/cars-for-sale/vehicledetails.xhtml?listingId=506985405
  5. "lacking the latest safety equipment" like a competent fucking driver
  6. It's a cool place to visit at least once. It's touristy on the strip, where literally the only shirts you can buy say VIRGINA BEACH on them, but go a few blocks West to plain-janeville and it's not bad. Check out a bar called Murphy's sometime. Obvious Irish pub, but they have fun local bands and a sick kunt beer selection.
  7. Virginia beach is way cooler than Myrtle, but still super touristy. It's cheaper though.
  8. Sounds like a GM issue related to weird key security shit.
  9. Installed the subframe connectors at Miller's today and took her for a long drive. With those and the new tires she sings around the bends. Gonna tear into installing the lowering springs next time we have a cooler, rainy stretch so I can take my time and not sweat my face off.
  10. Man. Every time something relevant happens with non-80's vehicles nobody here can afford to care anyway.
  11. I don't blame them; People are too dumb to react logically.
  12. Humans have been around for 0.00001% of time the universe has existed. What are the chances that within that tiny little spec of time there's an entire alien species out there that has perfected space travel and is interested in us?
  13. Ford realizing pushrods are the answer. Guessing it'll make around 500hp/550tq.
  14. Autonomous cars won't be the norm in our lifetime, don't even waste your time worrying about it. We still have sand people driving around 90's toyotas and shit, how they gonna afford some google map on wheels?
  15. Know how many Challengers I see at the race track? Literally zero. They sell because wannabe gangsters and old retired has-beens buy them. Their demographic is nothing but irrelevant retards. That demographic just so happens to outweigh people who actually drive cars as they were meant to be driven, so yeah, they sell more. It doesn't mean it's a better car.
  16. More power but 400lbs heavier. Congrats on being slower at everything still. Also, Challenger visibility is just as bad, so.. you're dumb.
  17. I'll take a light, nimble Camaro over a Dodge's tugboat at the cost of 30 little horsepower.
  18. LS7 has a dry sump setup stock, so there's that.
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