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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. What did you get, and how do you like them?
  2. needs more big booty hoes
  3. Loaded Tacoma? They only come with V6's but they're super nice.
  4. We have a repost thread for stuff like this.
  5. Not Brian


    If I had a billion dollars I would totally build something like this just for thousands of forum kids to rage over
  6. Looks like Buck logged in at Brian's house.
  7. I <3 Eli. Instantly pops in my mind, scroll down, bam.
  8. Not Brian

    Walking Dead

    All I know is this Andrea skank needs to disappear.
  9. Not Brian

    Walking Dead

    Fan-made video from a few years ago based on the comic version of last night's episode.
  10. Not Brian

    Walking Dead

    yeah, kinda seemed like a fill-in episode.
  11. Anybody with a political sticker on their car deserves that. Buff it out and chalk it up as a lesson learned.
  12. http://cdn2.holytaco.com/wp-content/uploads/images/2009/12/1274465753023.gif
  13. I'm imagining the looks on the faces of those who left time warner over the past couple days for wow
  14. +1 those are better than any hostess garbage
  15. I'm with scott. Just put a cat on your car and lose 5hp, who cares. There's all kinds of junky shit around where I live that I'd love to see disappear.
  16. I'd run it into a wall and collect $3k from insurance
  17. what do you tell someone at that point? time to buy a new car?
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