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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. http://iseeahappyface.com/upload/cool-story.jpg
  2. My boss just bought a 2008 6-liter and loves it.. he said it's way nicer than the similar year Mustangs and GTO's he looked at in the same price range.
  3. tubesteak and bj day
  4. he got fired twice in one day?
  5. I'll be at Hoover playing poor-person disc golf around 5:30
  6. you looking for something that runs and drives?
  7. http://rule34-data-001.paheal.net/_images/2ae3ce08ada0fc5c1b5004b20d87842b/794864%20-%20Dolan_Dooc%20Donald_Duck%20Goofy%20MEME.png
  8. I'm sure it was modded quite a bit more than mine.. all my extra money goes towards the new house. I guess that's good. oh yeah and thanks
  9. http://www.hk94.com/hk/uploadgal/gallery/album_195/gallery_1_195_65489.jpg
  10. looks all pixelated when resized.. so enjoy my hugeness http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Ricochet16/ta1stwash.jpg
  11. I was mia all last year and would like to get back into the swing of things..
  12. Word around the internets is Jenner (cdc guy) whispered that to him at the end of the first season.
  13. no way in hell would I share that information with all these drama queens..
  14. Didn't he shoot them in the head after he downed them? I forget.
  15. Yeah, everyone is infected.. hence the term "the walking dead"
  16. You say you saw the episode, which clearly answered those questions.. along with the past couple pages of this thread..
  17. pm skinner I think he uploaded them to his server. I don't know the address though
  18. They do? I haven't read them all..
  19. He probably got overrun after unloading out his window. I think we're left to guess on situations like that because it's telling the story through the eyes of this group?
  20. I didn't visit there much last season but have they reopened the back 9 yet?
  21. I was gonna go yesterday.. but I didn't. Probably gonna hit up hoover tomorrow or wednesday if the ground isn't muddy
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