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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. Louis C.K. is the funniest guy alive http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thedailyshow.com%2Fwatch%2Ftue-june-28-2011%2Flouis-c-k-%3Fxrs%3Dshare_copy&h=yAQClVmpyAQDI8-MPUzUvVbwJwN2PSxFao6F6LAN6aAufIQ
  2. My parents are still way smarter than I am and their two cents is usually worth thousands.. so I can't really relate, sorry.
  3. http://tosh.comedycentral.com/blog/files/2011/08/dLPbY.jpg
  4. This work day would have been 86% more enjoyable had that site not been websensed.
  5. I haven't watched any of those in like five years..
  6. I'm sorry did you say something? My eyes were preoccupied.
  7. If you got offers for 18-19 why did you drop the price to 16,500?
  8. Not Brian

    WOW! ugh.

    Maybe Nitrousbird can enlighten us
  9. http://www.nimbacreations.com/library/prop-helmet.jpg
  10. Not Brian

    WOW! ugh.

    The house I'm moving to has a WOW! box out back..
  11. Damn she would look good cooking me dinner.
  12. My folks always harped about underage drinking being against the law and how some kids somewhere else got kinda sick from drinking too much and blah blah.. none of that shit ever once phased me. You'll have to let them get shitass wasted puking into eachothers faces for hours then wake them up at 5am the next morning banging a baseball bat in a metal bucket.. then give them a big fat "I told ya so" That is the only way to get thru to kids.
  13. Last time I reported something like that my rates went up.
  14. Man that makes a world of difference, I don't think I could ever punish someone else's kid.
  15. awesome, thanks. I needed to see some explosions this morning
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