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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. Not Brian


    nobody understands me
  2. I hate watching these videos, I'm living the wrong life.
  3. buddy of mine saw this and snapped a pic http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/268036_2004834234565_1054899942_31995214_1956390_n.jpg
  4. Jones is always fucking around with peoples' shit..
  5. How about we ban all you fucks who change your name every other week? I don't even know who any of you fucks are anymore. Fuckin fucks.
  6. I know it's a pace car but all the firebird and nascar stickers are homo'ish
  7. You can't even make a circle in mspaint
  8. http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f273/Cristian619/Misc%206/763132219.jpg
  9. If you ever need to gain weight quit smoking. I've gained about 15lbs over the past six months
  10. be jones make stupid f-body jokes everywhere thinking he has some imaginary following that laughs with him
  11. Not Brian


    More fake ass online bullshit gluing weak pasty fatasses to their computery make believe world of friends to share unwitty quotes from old movies and pictures of their stupid ugly babies and dumb faggot food they're feeding their fat garbage disposing mouths with tonight. YAY
  12. lab/retriever mixes are awesome dogs. I hate not having room for another one
  13. ! http://4gifs.com/gallery/d/184233-1/Puke_catch_eat.gif
  14. 20 minutes of gameplay.. looks kinda like Fallout. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVzRo39P31I
  15. http://bit.ly/mIFD8T http://bit.ly/m5ikga
  16. I've been browsing for one single ws6 wheel and just came across these for you. Probably won't help much but it's worth asking them for just one wheel. http://columbus.craigslist.org/pts/2438165719.html http://columbus.craigslist.org/pts/2398975889.html
  17. the 2004 wrx/sti's were 5x114.3 Not sure what other years were the same as that body style, or if the newer ones are different, but when I had an SVX I know the bolt pattern was the same as those and rx-7's.
  18. you all act like I go sneaking around at night breaking into showers to shit on stuff
  19. Take a better picture.. those are unworkable.
  20. gonna post a picture of your car?
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