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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. Not Brian

    Flame war

    I don't have patience for this stupid shit anymore.
  2. Not Brian

    Flame war

    Really? I would love to know where.
  3. pool party, lots of beer, burgers, fireworks, sex, jello shots...
  4. I guess if I were back in college again it would be nice to have one to write notes on or whatever.. but they also have this weird stuff at the store called paper. Maybe I'm just behind the times. and yeah why would you get an ipad as a pc replacement for browsing? They don't have flash right? dumb.
  5. Word. So since I have an iPhone and a gaming PC, would it be worth getting any of these tablet things? I can't seem to find a reason.
  6. That's what I used to say then I bought one and like it, so.. whatever. It does all that I need and then some. 720p video is pretty awesome to have on a phone too.
  7. my ass just puked in my underwear
  8. http://d3uwin5q170wpc.cloudfront.net/photo/106231_460s.jpg
  9. Been 3 years http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xI6vo5dQel4
  10. That intake manifold is cool
  11. HDR ENGAGED 110% COMMANDER WARP SPEED AHEAD cool pics though
  12. http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/268966_10150683166345004_527780003_18971173_4388944_n.jpg
  13. My opinion is that pictures of the wife are needed to offer interior room advice. The lesser the clothing the better so that the advice given can be more accurate.
  14. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lh4qwxFhXA1qg39ewo1_500.gif
  15. This will be your embarrassing life http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7lkroW97uA&feature=related
  16. no weapons are allowed on government installations.. I don't think you can leave it with the guards either.
  17. Probably not what you're looking for, but pretty awesome nonetheless http://www.cracked.com/article_19021_5-amazing-things-invented-by-donald-duck-seriously.html
  18. Driving a car like that in the snow would not be an option for me.
  19. Holy crap so that's the "Chris from columbusracing" that some girl told me about, saying her brother died.. (then my buddy had sex with her)
  20. If you're gonna be an unoriginal faggot copying my screen name at least try to live up to its greatness.
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