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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. I could be there watching cool cars, or I could be sitting here drinking.
  2. cold blooded. Eyes are attracted to bright empty space. none of them, I don't click on shit like that.
  3. http://h-3.abload.de/img/technoviking_faggotryict7.jpg
  4. haha wow he looks like a viking.. and he listens to techno! They should call him something like techno viking or something.. that would be brilliant!
  5. "I didn't do it but I'll pay for it anyway" God that would piss me off.
  6. no rush Matt you can have my silver ones for free if you want..
  7. I'm not an engineer but that looks like a horrible design.
  8. My drag radials are mounted on the dull silver kind and for $20 it would be nice to have them on chrome ones to match the front wheels. I'll take them if you don't mind hauling them to Columbus sometime.
  9. I think you typed in your quote wrong
  10. wtf peanut allergies? I don't remember anybody having that made up hocus pocus when I grew up.. did it just magically appear a few years ago?
  11. Safe side? Veggies? Don't infect these kids with the ghey, get them good stuff like zebra cakes or star crunches. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41JNIQKo38L._SL500_AA300_.jpg these things are the sliggity slam
  12. two threads down.. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=94166
  13. I didn't get a response so I'll take the hint.
  14. Hey I work there. What's her name?
  15. a cock appearing? I can make it happen.
  16. I'm waiting anxiously for a cock to appear
  17. Not Brian


    I'm indifferent to you. Your cars are boring, your intro is whatever, but it's good compared to what we normally get so whatever. Hi.
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