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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. man what a perfect video with non-faggot music that steps back for the racing parts
  2. Not Brian

    Sucker Punch

    http://www.mtv.com/movies/photos/s/sucker_punch_premiere/sucker_punch_19.jpg that thing on the left is the main character
  3. I thought there would be some piss or feces involved in your post.. so no, that's not what I thought was going to happen either.
  4. Rohypnol is one of the more popular ones, intended to be for short-term treatment of chronic or severe insomniacs. If you know somebody with serious sleeping problems you could probably score a few pills off them for a few bucks. I recommend crushing it into a fine powder and putting it into a girl's drink, then when she.. oh, thought you said roofey. oops
  5. put CR sticker on the window do a barrel roll post on youtube ??? profit
  6. read the stickies and try, try again.
  7. Not Brian

    Sucker Punch

    It's such a girl power! chick flick. The action scenes were fun but overall wait for the movie to hit cable (since there's zero blood or bad language ). Here are some backstories to the cgi scenes YouTube - Sucker Punch: Animated Short - The Trenches Trailer HD YouTube - Sucker Punch Animated Short: Dragon Trailer HD YouTube - Sucker Punch Animated Short: Distant Planet Trailer HD YouTube - Sucker Punch Animated Short Feudal Warriors Trailer 2011 HD
  8. sweet can I come get mine, or yours, or whatever ended up happening with that lol.. Hey Brian I got a question. I haven't tuned my car since a lid/exhaust/headers/free mods. Am I missing out on a lot of power? Worth getting tuned?
  9. oh.. guess it was "ghetto rats bowl for free" night or something
  10. We went a few months ago and it was full of ghetto rats. The kitchen also caught on fire, but they didn't evacuate anybody. Interesting night.
  11. But will it hook this year? p.s. did you test the MAF sensors they brought you?
  12. I play all par 3's from the noob tees and average about par to +2. I just don't understand how people can launch a disc all the way to the hole from the pro tee.
  13. If you like the blue seats, cool buy it. I would love to own an '05+ in blue with black leather but I'm not even sure that combo exists?
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3Dlp...eature=related
  15. I ninja edited go test drive a goat.. you might be surprised how much you like it.
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