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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. try to leave audi Jones makes fun of you strange urge to stay with audi
  2. desperation is a hell of a drug
  3. Yeah I have.. and go figure they don't fly like real life
  4. LMAO! man that shit feels good, I make that same face
  5. so is flossing and using condoms but who does that
  6. It's called Disc golf, not frolf, f-golf, or Frisbee golf. Frisbee is a brand name and they make cheap crappy things you toss around at a family picnic. I played Lobdell once last year and it's long as shit.. felt like the walk between holes was longer than the holes themselves. I haven't been to Alum Creek either, I really want to check it out though.
  7. http://www.xtothezracing.com/files/Uw55x.gif
  8. So you're supposed to play to the ninth hole then walk all the way back up the hill just to get back to your car? That sucks.. Ben, any other courses nearby that are somewhat nice?
  9. Hey Jeffro welcome to the site! Nice pics, hope to see you out at some meets.. +rep
  10. yeah wtf the entire back nine was closed last time I went..?
  11. Cream http://www.ea.com/battlefield3/videos/faultline-episode-2
  12. eh, four of us went and we've never playing there, plus we lost a few discs.. took awhile. An afternoon at Hoover is way quicker though. I play there 3-5 times a week when it's warm. Blendon takes like 30 minutes to finish.
  13. I'm never playing there again, it took us three hours to finish that course last Summer and I forgot to bring something to drink. I felt like I was going to die it was so hot out. It's a HUGE course and unless you're a sniper shot, you're going to lose a disc. The shrubs are really thick there and a lot of the fairways are very narrow with the hole completely out of sight.
  14. you look ten years younger without the beard
  15. Conan video.. makes fun of Rebecca Black towards the end http://teamcoco.com/content/conan-rocks-another-personal-video-blog
  16. http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lieawwwTyo1qzyitao1_500.jpg
  17. Man that's awesome, congrats dude.
  18. oh man I want to take a shit in it then blast it with my shotgun.. wish I had a place to put it in the meantime
  19. Shatner looks like shit, but he looks good for being 80..
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