I talked to him at dinner Saturday and asked if he misses manual. After he said shit like "it's got a really good automatic, it shifts really fast" I realized he's a goner. RIP Berto, he was one of the good ones.
I say the same thing but then I realize I struggle to find motivation to even wash my shit. Then I'll browse restomods and find rusty old cars with an LS-swap and aftermarket wheels listed for triple what it's worth, so.. rock and a hard place.
AJ's maro is on a whole different level. He'll spend weeks on some very minor part to get it perfect. Thing's been under the knife for years.
Yes let's spend a bunch of time and money going against the constitutional grain in an effort to ban scary assault rifles that are used in like 4% of gun homicides. How about this instead: Have less gun laws. Arm everybody so people will be scared to try some shit. Quit pandering to the loud minority of purple-haired white kids demanding third bathrooms installed at Krogers. Make John Wayne popular again. Teach kids how guns work and quit raising a bunch of pussies who are so quick to shoot up a school when their feelings get hurt. The whole country needs ethically reborn from the ground up because that's where the problem lies.. not with the tools in which they take out their current frustrations with. That's definitely not the path that will land 51%+ of the votes in your pocket though, so we're fucked. Enjoy the ride.