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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. is there an option to pay somebody to wrench for you
  2. I don't Jeep but that I give that thing a 5/7 for what it is.
  3. Doesn't just a cheap canned tune put them in the low 12's?
  4. The new ones look like shit, weigh two tons, and cost 50 fucking grand for what should be a simple fun car. This is why 4th gens are skyrocketing in value.. the future sucks.
  5. Getting shitfaced at home in front of my baller ass setup > sitting next to loud gross strangers in public After 3 episodes I just couldn't watch it anymore. It was so boring and uninteresting.
  6. 6.2 Z71 Get big all terrains and drive it to work Put a loud exhaust on it to establish dominance
  7. My battery dies if I let the maro sit a few days. I try hooking it up to the tender but sometimes I forget over the Summer when I drive it relatively often. With this plugged in it starts right up. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B015TKUPIC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 edit: You can also charge your phone with it over long camping weekends or whatever, so there's that.
  8. 17 seconds faster than a Viper ACR, which holds multiple records across the map. Absolutely insane.
  9. so weird there's a solid covid vaccine a week after elections. so weird.
  10. They're gonna be bored the next 4yrs without somebody to bitch about.
  11. Yay racism is cured and some old kid-sniffing pedo who can't form a coherent sentence who hasn't done shit in 47 years is going to fix everything yay
  12. Good stuff JP I just paid people to setup a 10x16 this year for double that lol
  13. If you're lazy, poor, entitled, and care about flowers and feelings and destroying hardworking peoples' lives vote for Biden.
  14. Go watch The Old Guard on Netflix for a super megadose of that. It had potential to be a great movie but every color of the gender rainbow gets shoved in your face for no reason related to the plot at all.
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