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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. The problem is, that bandwidth is needed, and these TV stations sure as hell wouldn't change a damn thing until being pushed to do so.
  2. Nitrousbird

    windows 7

    http://content.wowway.com/Documents/WOWWAY/PDFs/HSD/Version/HSD_UserGuide_v0123.pdf 5GB/month limit. Sucks there is a limit, but at least you get a newsgroup. I'm stuck with TW at our condo, and they turned off their's last year. I guess I could setup a crappy PC at my rental house in Reynoldsburg where I have WOW, and log into that, but I haven't felt the need to yet.
  3. Didn't your car get stolen from there?
  4. Bandwidth. It's public airwaves. If an analog signal could be crammed into the same bandwidth the HD signals were in, I doubt there would be a problem. But it can't (at least to a point common TV's could tune into it). Analog is a HUGE waste of bandwidth. You can easily fit 12 standard definition channels digital channels in the same bandwidth as a single analog channel...even more depending on compression schemes. This is something that should have happened 10 years ago (when it was supposed to).
  5. Dicks usually has good sales on them. Better than anything I found at Walmart when I was looking for some spares last year.
  6. Nitrousbird

    windows 7

    Reading owns you. I have 4 monitors. 3 that go across, and one that is above my center monitor - wall mounted, and sits flush with the one below it. So it doesn't just go across.
  7. Seriously, what vehicle made in 2002 (or later) that got less than 18 MPG is worth less than $4500 trade in? I guess some super high mileage truck.
  8. I've been married for over 4 months. I haven't had to say goodbye. Good luck. I'm very happily married. But my wife was never waiting, nor would ever make the comment "3 long years." I never felt 1 ounce of pressure; I made the choice to ask her, and knew it was never expected of me. Last chick that tried the expected of me stuff, well, I never even looked at a ring, let alone considered actually asking her. I can only hope Kevin never felt any pressure to ask. Something about the inital post just rubbed me the wrong way.
  9. No one needs to buy them now, so $35-40 means nothing. How much will they be when incandescents are no longer an option? The only people forced to go digital are those on Farmer Vision. It's free, so can you really complain about it?
  10. I wonder how much these LED lights are going to retail for. I see everyone going to CF, even though the color of the light never looks that good. I don't really like the light of CF lights. We have a shared hallway w/ 6 lights, and one of those bulbs would regularly burn out every 1-2 weeks. Replaced all with CF, and 3 months later all are going strong while using 1/4 the energy with the same amount of light.
  11. We need more global warming. It's a good thing.
  12. For DVR's, Warner currently uses the SA 8250 and 8300 boxes, though has some 8000's floating around too. Only the old 8000's have DVI, everything else is HDMI. Just get a HDMI - DVI cable (or adapter). Or better yet: Dump Warner and go with WOW.
  13. Nitrousbird

    windows 7

    I will not waste my money on a Mac. Period. Your girly, shiny white crap does nothing for me. I like bang for the buck, and Macs are the exact opposite of that. It's kind of hard to do a stretched image with 3 monitors across, and one above the center monitor. So I just use Ultramon...it takes care of it, and does a good job. I'd just like to see Windows do it for me.
  14. Nitrousbird

    windows 7

    After further testing, I can't get Speed Fan to work. It loads up, and see's all of my hardware, but even with the fans set to 0, they are still runnning full blast. This is not the case with Vista...it works perfectly under that.
  15. Nitrousbird

    windows 7

    Post it please. I just installed 7 64-bit. Working fine so far. Had two issues - it didn't like the network card I was using, so I hooked up to my other card (my motherboard has two cards w/ 2 seperate chipsets). There was a Windows Update for it, so that's just a minor beta problem. Since I am doing a dual boot, it would recognize my other drive. I had to actually go into the services menu and assign my other drive a letter, then I could access it. Otherwise, so far so good in the few minutes I've used it (I'm using it right now. ). Boots super quick, but that might be because this is the first time I've installed an OS on my 4 drive RAID 0 array, so I'm sure Vista would boot quicker on this drive as well. Before I install Ultramon on Windows 7, can anyone tell me if 7 will allow different backgrounds on multiple monitors. No other version of Windows has, so I assume 7 won't either, and haven't found anywhere that I can do that.
  16. Probably best to just shoot every person going into that movie. That would be solid crime prevention.
  17. Is it wrong to just shoot the kid now before he does anything worse? You know he will.
  18. I may be getting rid of my board/cpu/memory soon. Asus A8N SLI Deluxe 4GB Ram Athlon 64 X2 4800+ MIGHT consider selling my matching XFX 7600GT XXX edition video cards for the right price, but I'm not really looking to get rid of them (they can be run in SLI on my motherboard, though I use them specifically for running 4 monitors). It's a 2.4GHz dual core processor, but easily overclocks to 2.75-2.8GHz with the stock heatsink/fan and good case ventilation. Memory will overclock a bit stable as well. Processor has been know to go 3.2-3.3GHz with a GOOD watercooling setup.
  19. How bad is the red hue? Those light engines are uber expensive (cheapest rebuild I found was $400, and most say those are iffy, and go with the $850+ new ones.
  20. CC is generally overpriced, though they did have a deal now and again. Their car audio selection is FAR superior to BB, as is their Sat. Radio stuff. Several years ago their home audio stuff was way better than anything BB carried as well, though I haven't checked in recent years. But I'd rather online shop for most of that stuff anyway.
  21. When he posts his sizes, I'll see what I have...but I think I need to hook you up with a sandwich!
  22. History will prove that George W is the worst president of all time...yet idiots still like the guy. Seriously, WTF. A trained monkey would be better than Bush.
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