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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. Nitrousbird


    Do I need to point out the irony of that statement?
  2. Scott, I'm only mentioning this since it isn't your item, but these normally go on E-bay BRAND NEW (not used or refurbed) for $900-1100 shipped. Most of the Buy It Nows run around $1100; open auctions usually end in the 900's.
  3. Looked like yours with Altezas (not sure if yours has them or not, you haven't posted a rear shot of the car).
  4. - They aren't the same plug. I've ran both. Similar and perform similar, but not the same. And I've had such good luck with NGK's, I'm sticking with them. - I haven't bought TR6's in a while, but just bought a set of TR55's; they are $1.99/plug. Platinum were $2.68.
  5. Were you driving this car on I70 west bound on the west side yesterday (8/24) around 11:20 am or so??
  6. Uhhh, Ford no longer sells the GT. And when they did, people were paying OVER MSRP for them. There are 51 Ford GT's listed on Autotrader right now. The lowest price: $125,000. BTW, it has a salvage title. Tack on another 30k to get to the 2nd lowest price. But good luck on buying one for 100k.
  7. I truely do have a stalker. Should I be flattered? I just hope he doesn't masturbate to a picture of me.
  8. There is a HUGE variety of tits and what is attached to said tits. Your story is missing those vital details. It could have been a 300lb, 53 year old woman, that sagged so bad that her nipples were bouncing off of the pavement.
  9. Fucking weather tonight knocked down my gate. Oh wait, I let my 17 year old black lab with poor hearing outside. Oh wait, I go to let him in, and he is MIA. I spent about a while looking for him before I decided I'm just waisting my time trying to find a black dog at night. So he is still missing. Isn't the first time he has wandered off...hopefully the cops see him and return him again.
  10. That didn't really answer his question at all. You found a car that made that power a month ago; it hasn't proven it will stay together over time.
  11. That's a lot of land for being by the water. I assume that water leads to the main part of the lake. Can you actually take a average size boat from the main lake to there, or is it too shallow?
  12. I need the exact same thing. 350watt or bigger. Any home audio speakers?
  13. I agree with the Dr. 100%. But what isn't answered is whether or not he is suing his insurance company or the person that hit him. That makes difference.
  14. Wow, that sucks. I spent a year unemployeed, and though I HIGHLY enjoyed the time off, it sucked not have a job. I may not be the biggest fan of my profession, but it has TONS of job security (almost too much right now; work is wearing me out). There is always something out there.
  15. Well, I took the roid shot Thursday, and have been on the pills today. Hasn't cleared up any, but hasn't spread anymore. As of this morning, it hasn't itched at all. I'll take it looking like shit vs. me wanting to cut my skin off.
  16. I'm not sure what is fact or fiction anymore. Somehow I got it pretty bad. Normally if I get any, a little of the pink stuff for a couple days and I'm good to go. This time, I got a little on my arm. Used some expensive poison ivy scrub, washed my hands regularly, tried not to touch or scratch it, put the clear stuff on it, and yet it has spread everywhere (behind my knees, on my waistband area, spots on my hands, on top of my wrists, and a little on my eyelid). Went to the doctor today, they went the steroid shot + pills route. Now the doctor said that it's not contagious, and touching it won't spread to other parts of my body. She said it's a reaction to the oil getting in my system, and randomly causing rashes. But things I've read/been told, say that it's oil in your skin, and scratching/touching other things makes it worse. I've heard from people I know that had great success with those poison ivy scrubs, as it "gets the oils out and goes away quickly." Others give the bleach recommendation (doctor stated against this, as it just irritates the skin). Then I've heard other say just getting the steroids is the best thing, but that's usually in severe cases. Since mine is getting worse, I decided the doctor was the best route. So what is really true/false? IMO a lot of the online info is based on either home remedy tales, or companies trying to make a buck with their remedy.
  17. It's HIGHLY obvious that is not an Exige or Exige S.
  18. Shawn, it is readily apparent you don't go out to any clubs/bars. There really isn't much going on down town at 2am...and by that I mean there isn't anyone there. Gerbil Village, sure. Nationwide Area, sure. Otherwise, a random club here and there, but nothing scary coming out of any of them (all too expensive to drag in the lowest tier of clients). I'd have no problem at all walking downtown at 2am. Now just east (over 71) or west (over the water) of downtown at 2am...F' that.
  19. Most of the reading I've done on Cryo treating hasn't shown a measurable benefit from it.
  20. Why would you buy a CD from some random thug? I've been approached, and my typical answer is "I don't like rap." If they try some other excuse, you may also say "I don't like hip-hop, R&B, jazz, blues, easy listening, regae, etc." Like I'm going to buy a CD off some local rapper that thinks he is the next big thing. Guess what buddy...you aren't, that's why you are peddling your CD at a gas station.
  21. Yes, Sprint sucks ass. Aweful coverage and unreliable data service. Maybe talk on the phone less? I have 450 anytime minutes + free nights/weekends and free Verizon to Verizon, and I NEVER, EVER go over my minutes. I actually would be happy to get less anytime minutes for a discounted rate.
  22. That's doesn't make it okay. I think it's that time again.....
  23. That dude with the Camera is THE sterotypical Honduh enthusiast. And how many fart cans can go by in one video?? I must say, though, I'd be just as pissed if someone hit my car like that.
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