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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. I'd do it for my girlfriend. But what she would have to do to me in return would be priceless.
  2. Well, I already gave her her presents, as she flys out to Canada tomorrow for the rest of the year. I got her a new battery for her Ipod. I also got her a chest freezer. Romantic, no...but she was happy to get it. I've never seen such an over-stuffed fridge freezer before. Especially not for such a tiny chick living by herself!
  3. As a friend, you should tell her to de-rice that car. It looks like total shit.
  4. I don't think the top leaks. Honestly, I RARELY drive the car, and when I do, it is in fair weather. It will sit for a month, then I'll drive it a few miles to go to the store or something. Always starts up first time, though, so no issues w/ the battery or battery drain. It's just not my cup of tea.
  5. Amen. I had to walk to school from K-5, by myself. I walked about a mile at one of the houses we lived in. Not a big deal IMO. It's bad enough people without kids have to pay for schools for people WITH kids. If you ask me, people with kids should have to pay extra, REQUIRED taxes to have those kids in school. If YOU choose to have kids, it should be your financial responsiblity to put them through school, not mine. And if I ever have kids, others shouldn't have to pay the burdon of me putting my kid(s) through school.
  7. NEW PRICE: $2100 very, very FIRM. I want this car gone before X-mas. You won't find a cheaper one on Autotrader (at least not a 6-banger) within 300 miles for less $$, and most around that price have a LOT more miles.
  8. Anthony, do you think you'll even FIT in a Sky. I realize you are a couple inches shorter than me, and now amazingly lighter as well. I sat in a Solstice a few weeks ago, and there is no way I could own one. With the seat all the way back, my knees still hit the dash. The top was down, but seeing where my head was in relation to the windshield, I could tell my head would be resting on the top when it was up. It was more cramped than a 1st Gen SLK I drove (which my head was also sitting against the roof).
  9. I woulda been out there with you guys, but the g/f's birthday took precedent this time.
  10. My buddy's fiance works there (yes, he is marrying a stripper). She is very hot. I haven't seen her there, but did see her when she worked at Dockside Dolls and Dollhouse. She was very talented.
  11. Any clue how much they charge? I have a really nice 3" Spohn steel one (heavy, but I feared snapping another one), and I need to either have it shortened, or sell it and replace it with a different one.
  12. I have all of those commercials on my PC at home. I'll host them up when I get home tomorrow. The one eating the exotic was better.
  13. You would have to pay me a lot of money to fuck that. A LOT of money. And I would require drugs and a fluffer.
  14. And what does this have to do with cars?? Moving.......
  15. Crap, I just saw this and was interested. If the buyer hasn't purchased yet and backs out, please let me know. I'm re-doing the floors in my middle level early next year.
  16. The comedian was good. Bob and Tom's stupid laughing, well, I could do without.
  17. Shouldn't be a problem once my car is back together; this spring if all goes to plan.
  18. Let's see, so far: Long John Silvers: No, but my roomate read that and had a good idea I may just try. I'll take her there, walk in, then tell her "just kidding." She has a great sense of humor, so she would find it funny. Red Lobster: I already said no. Joe's Crab Shack: It may share my name, but that doesn't mean I like it. I've never had a good meal there; something is always f'ed up or doesn't taste right. And Red Lobster is more fancy than that. Hmmm, so it's a toss up between Ocean Club and the Fish Market. I might just have to lean towards Ocean Club, as we did meet at Easton, and she likes drinkng at Fado's, so we can grab a drink after dinner (or see a comedian if one is playing at the Funny Bone). Thanks for the ideas guys; I wouldn't have thought of Ocean Club had it not been mentioned.
  19. My g/f's b-day is this Sunday. I told her I'd take her to dinner, and asked what kind of food she wanted. She wants seafood, not so much the fish, but more on the shrimp-type foods. I want to take her somewhere nicer than Red Lobster, but not somewhere crazy expensive either. Anywhere in Columbus is fine. Any good recommendations?
  20. Ugh, winter time. Where my electric bill goes down $20, and my gas bill goes up $100+
  21. That's what I was thinking. Stack them on top of eachother, and a piece of wood at the bottom. That is a LOT less expensive, lol. I good wall-mount system would be a much better purchase. Mount them on the wall and OUT OF THE WAY.
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