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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. Does that mean I can get a date with you? <--- Very gay wink, but I still won't use a Mac.
  2. The GTO's platform is gone after 06. That's nothing more than some photoshop going down. This Super V looks bad-ass. I'm sure the sticker shock will suck on it though; probably touching 60k+.
  3. And there you have it. Macs were designed for people who are in professions that are predominately employeed with homosexuals. We aren't judging you for your enjoyment of penis in your anus, it's just the way you are.
  4. Of the few customer homes I go into that have Macs, I estimate 50% of those customers are gay. So I'd just have to assume that 50% of CR Macs users must also pack fudge from time to time. I hate Macs. I'll fully admit that OSX is FAR better than OS 8 and 9 (god I had the operating system, and you'd be surprised how many people still run it, just like how many people still run Win 98). That said, I never really enjoyed OSX all that much either. As for Apple hardware, I'm not into paying that sort of price for PC stuff.
  5. Yeah, but they don't go back that far.
  6. I have Firefox on the PC, and never use it. There are a few things about it that just annoy the piss out of me, so I never use it. I'll definately upgrade to IE7 once it is out of Beta.
  7. If they were all running (some are mid-project), all are either conservative estimates or factory numbers. - Avalanche: 285 - Jimmy: 195 - Mustang: 205 - Formula: 700 (when finished at flywheel, conservative prediction) - Sea Ray 160: 130 Total: 1515 But those are just my vehicles. I'm not going to include roomates' stuff; if it ain't yours, don't make claim to it!
  8. I'll hopefully be in that spot in 5 years; by then my school loan and Avalanche should be paid off. Then just my house and bills to go.
  9. The laptop thing sucks, but I think people will get away with that one. The jacket thing doesn't bother me; I run fast enough that I'm required to have one anyway. They aren't that expensive. The gloves thing sucks; guess I'll have to pony up for that.
  10. I think my Avalanche MSRP of around 43-44k (it's has all the 2002 options). I paid $15,900 last December...I got an insane deal on it; one you still can't find for what I got. I think the Formula was around 24k new, I paid 14k (but that was a number of years ago). Dunno on the Jimmy and Moostang.
  11. Reynoldsburg is pulling this shit too. Back in October, I got a notice about not filing my local taxes (they have a seperate school income tax BS). It was for tax year 2002, the first year I lived here, for a partial year. I filed the taxes, and paid what I owed ($88, I remember, as I was unemployed and pissed at the time). Well, they want me to file; well, if I file, it will show I owe $88. But I already paid that. The problem: I don't know the check number to get a reprint. I know it would be on my March or April bank statments, which I can't find. Can't find my check ledger for that either. Well, it's $30/copy (takes 5 business days too) for my statements, then another $30 for the check copy. Well fuck, by the time I get all that info, it would cost less/be much less hassle to pay the $88. Well, I just ignored it (they threatened to bill be $500 if I didn't file). Nothing happened. Well, they sent me an identical notice a couple weeks ago; I haven't touched that either, but I'm getting a bit concerned. It's total horse shit, but I didn't make a copy of the return or check, so now my life is a PITA from it, as I bet I should REALLY do them this time.
  12. That used to be XM's advantage. Then they jumped their price to be identical w/ Sirius. Had XM kept their prices lower and hiried Stern (they got first shot at him, but didn't play ball), Sirius would have been done for.....most likely they would have been bought out by XM in a year or two. But Sirius got smart, hired key players (both in talent and in mgmt. areas), added tons of great programming, and turned things around big time in a short amount of time.
  13. And just for reference, I heard today that Sirius has outsold XM for the past 3 quarters now, and just hit 4 million subscribers. They had 600k and some change when Howard was making his deal 17 months ago. Talk about some progress, and projections are showing 6 million by the end of the year!
  14. Joe said that wrong, it was supposed to be "You wanna pull the race card on St. Patrick's Day? You guys got a whole month, I only get one day a year!" And I most certainly am Irish. -Tim
  15. Put a Big Stuff 3, Fast, DFI 7, etc. in there and call it a day. Then you can run as big of an injector as you want.
  16. So me, my roomate Tim, and Mario go to Waffle House on Broad after doing some bar drinking. Tim has his digi camera, and brings it in. He is a bit drunk, and is taking pics of stuff, being friendly, people are laughing n' stuff. We go up to the counter after eating to pay. Tim takes a couple more pics. All of a sudden, this 5'8", mid 30's black guy starts getting loud about it, saying to not be taking pictures, and it is rude to have a flash go off in his face (Tim never took a picture directly at this guy). He yells at the waitress to take his bill before he hits this guy (Tim) in the face. Tim is laughing a bit, and egging him on slightly, saying he is just taking pics, and filming or some crap like that. He snaps another pic, and gets the guy: http://cofba.org/users/nitrousbird/Random%20Pics/Angry%20WH%20Dude.JPG This guy says to someone else "if he takes another pic, I'm going to hit him in the face." I'm standing right there; this little fuck was going to be a stain on the floor if he even tried to swing at Tim. So Tim repeats loudly what this guy says. At this point, Mario walks up (and anyone that has seen Mario knows he is a big dude). We were just hoping this guy would try something. The guy starts getting loud towards the cashier. Tim is being quiet and not saying ANYTHING. One of the cooks, who I guess was the manager, tells the guy to get out. The guy is saying he shouldn't have to, he hasn't done anything. The cook says that this guy is the only one being loud and disturbing others, and he needs to leave NOW. This guy is yelling back and forth, and then he spouts off this quote: "This isn't white America; this is America." WOW, way to pull the race card when this had NOTHING to do with race. The guy was being kicked out for being loud; but since he was black, he MUST have been being kicked out for that. Regrets: - Me not saying "who the fuck is your 4 foot tall ass going to hit." - Tim's regret for not saying "Pulling the race card. I'm Irish; we get one day a week, you get a whole month!" Tim isn't Irish, but that doesn't matter, lol.
  17. Howard AND Bubba the Love Sponge (I never thought I'd like Bubba until I started listening...he is fucking AWESOME). The sports ARE a lot better on Sirius. News coverage tends to be a bit better too. As for music, it's hit and miss on both. I think XM's general rock station is slightly better. Sirius's heavy metal channel is WAY better. Sirius's 80's channel is much better. I'd say overall I like Sirius's music channels better, at least for what I listen to (mostly rock/metal, small amount of alternative, very small amount of current "pop" and 80's). Don't know about the rap, R&B, etc. as I don't listen to that garbage.
  18. That's for RCA out, not for headphone use. Get Sirius, it is better.
  19. The T/A owner posts on Camaroz28.com so I just copied and pasted all of the posts he made on the thread about the episode. Most of these posts are answers to questions asked, but it's a 19 page post, so no need to sort through all of it: "Don't forget to watch tonight it should be good! They had 3 hours of footage to cut down into 23 minutes so I have no idea what they will show. I'll give you guys the real story tomorow." "Its not a sham you don't even know who you are racing untill you line up! the only thing i knew is it was an import i was expecting a supra. I heard the same thing about last years show but I can assure you that doesn't happen this year. I almost wish it did I was nervous as hell the the whole week before the show. They are making it look more like the WWF than a racing show this year not sure I like that much, but I should have expected nothing less knowing I would be racing an import boy they were ricers thats for sure Both my f-bodys have blowers oh ya they both run too Jeff 96 SS BLOWN 96 TA 396 D1" "You can see a dyno sheet and some track times from right after the show here http://www.carolinaautomasters.com/ their is a link on the left that says pinks and has a story and look in the high horsepower club for a dyno sheet. My car was seriously detuned for this show i was pulling lots of timing a very small air filter and i had my 2 step at 2300 i usually launch at 4200. I took the car down the track after I won it. That car was no joke the guy just couldn't drive. I barked the tires in every gear that thing shifted well and I'm sure i ran a better time than him my first time in the car My car has run 9.40s at 146 with a bad launch I have made a few more changes since the show and expect high 8s this year. The reason my car was missing was I was pulling a bunch of timing the first two races I had a switch in the car to put timing back in but second was gone and it wasn't gonna help everything was going exactly how i planned untill I lost second then I needed the bottle because I have a very low first and 3 is 1to1 it just won't go in third at that low rpm but it did with Juice to give you an idea how fast that was I had a tune in the car to run about 10.7 for the first two the last race was a low ten or high nine in the low 140s. The only reason i wasn't freaking out is I had a great crew and my job was to srive i didn't have to touch the car if i would have had to work on it I would have been a complete wreck. The final numbers on the civic 658whp a legit low ten high nine car with a driver the car weighed in at 2100#s" "Oh he didn't buy it back for a hundred that is bs they have been spreading a bunch of lies the only reason i sold it back was his dad told him he would buy him a ZO6 and I didn't want that idoit in a real car so I sold him back his toy" "Those guys are street racers and I think that was all part of their plan make me look very fast so they could get a big lead and then turn up the boost. when he jumped on the third race the show started leaning toward me a bit and wasn't gonna let him get away with that BS." "What they didn't show was the former owner collapsing to his knees when I took his car down the track and yes he was crying. They had to take the kid to the hospital that evening he basicly had a nervous breakdown. I did feel bad and sold him the car back two days later for less than it was worth but enough that he felt some pain. but not untill i ragged it on the dyno. I seriosly hope the kid doesn't kill himself the ricer boys are dogging him bad on the boards." "You are right Jon doesn't deserve all the BS from the ricers that car is faster than 95% of them. He realy wasn't a bad guy a couple of his freinds were real aholes and thats what got him in trouble. Rumor has it he had a pro driver lined up but when I had two champion pro drivers on my team the first thing out of their mouth was owners drive cars I sad sure and thats exactly whay I wanted. I'm a pretty good driver and I know no one else could drive my car better than I can." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "OK guys I'm back and I will try to answer some of your questions. We both agreed to keep the sale price of the vehicle confidential, if it makes him feel better to say 300 thats fine with me. I think he is taking enough crap right now and doesn't need me to start more. I will say I got plenty of cash to fix my trans but gave him a great deal. I didn't want a civic but I did keep Both Bumpers as trophys one is on display at my buds Jeff Creech at Carolina Automasters and the other at my other freinds who I like to refer to as ricers Paul Efantis at MSP. I need to read some more of this and I'll make another post. Oh and we did sticker up the car pretty good with CAM and MSP stickers Jeff"
  20. I buy the whole 2nd gear out deal. The car has a TH400, which only has 3 gears (3rd gear being 1:1). Imagine racing at the track, and having to not use your best pulling gear. Running a centrifagul (sp?) supercharger, it makes max boost at max RPM; less RPM = less boost. That 1st-3rd skip put the car down on power big time mid track. The nitrous help make up a lot because nitrous makes a ton of torque in lower RPM's (plus the cooling effect on the intake), and helped make up for the missing gear. That Honduh owner was a total dumb fuck. He KNEW he was racing an domestic, before he ever saw the car. Since most domestics at the track are RWD (at least any that would do a domestic vs. import race), physics are in his favor when it comes to launching. So why the hell wouldn't you have the slicks on first race?? Instead, he got spanked BADLY.
  21. This is what really pisses me off about Ohio weather. It seems like any time you have warmer winter in Ohio, it HAS to rain. That way even though it is warm out, you really can't enjoy it. Then it always ends with more rain, and the temp dropping insanely fast. Ohio's weather just sucks!
  22. I'd assume they are doing an update to the box. We normally do ours (WOW) late at night, but typically in the 2am time frame, when it is less likely people are watching. But it wouldn't surprise me if Insight did it during prime time.
  23. I doubt my car will be fully finished in time. It should be on the road, but the nitrous setup may not be fully up to snuff by that time.
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