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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. What's said in this thread is spot on. What is said in that article goes far beyond what has been said here. I am cool with being polite to others, not walking out in the world feeling you are the center of the universe, and all that similar jazz. But this article is taking it to a level of politeness censorship. Not saying something because it may be offensive to others. I am very much against anything that brings on more censorship. The beginning of the article was spot on - half way down it went to shit.
  2. That bathroom floor looks awesome.
  3. You probably have a Bell Block somewhere in your basement - maybe a 66 block, but doubtful (or could just be scotch locked together...or a hack could have twisted/taped, used wire caps, etc). CAT5 is running to that. Is your wiring home run or daisy chained? Is there an alarm panel anywhere? Trace that CAT5 and see where it goes. That is what is feeding your home.
  4. Some folks have small dreams. Marc, What kind of interest/closing rates do you have for a 30 year mortgage on a home with good debt/value and VERY good credit score.
  5. But LJ just pointed out that the people that need it don't get it, so why not just dump it?
  6. Just because you are on unemployment doesn't mean you don't work hard. People get laid off all the time - it usually takes more than a week to find and start a new job. The program could use some tweaking, but it at least helps WORKING Americans, and is designed to get them working again. Why do we need welfare? Do we really need to let people just live off of our money forever, and do nothing for it? Unemployment covers those that need a short-term helping hand – since we have that covered, let’s dump welfare all together.
  7. Our govenrment is all about waste. If we simply trimmed the fat (and there is a shit ton of fat), this country could be out of debt in a realitively short amount of time. If I were to guess, a good 75% of our tax money goes to shit we really don't want or need. Why do we need welfare when we already have unemployement benefits?
  8. Not everyone is a doctor with your income to debt ratio. I've seen a few inside pics, outside aerial shots, know the area, and the general auditor specs...not a bad home, but we must dream very differently.
  9. Exactly - and anyone buying their "dream" home in their 20's probably doesn't have much of a dream.
  10. ARM loans have uses for the right people. My wife did an ARM on her condo mortgage, knowing she would not be there longer than the fixed rate period of the ARM. Sold the condo, and saved herself quite a bit in interest. Just one example. A long-term ARM is actually good for anyone not planning on owning their home past the fixed rate period. I'm surprised more people don't use them.
  11. Taco Bell has really stepped up their game recently on their selection. No one ever thought their meat was high quality anyway.
  12. There are several low mileage 09 CTS-V's on Autotrader in the mid 40's. You should buy one. Would have plenty of factory warranty left too.
  13. You simply treat that car like a motorcycle. You drive it in the same weather as a motorcycle, except you are likely a bit more comfortable and are safer. And go faster......
  14. My assumption is DLP. Model number? Build date? Last time bulb was replaced. 1080i or p (model # will answer that).
  15. Either keep it or roll it into an IRA. DO NOT CASH IT OUT.
  16. But the system can still trample you. Even if it "works." Get a non-moving violation, so it's only a fine and no points. The time it takes to do the whole court thing for many folks (loss of work time/wages, personal time used, etc.) is more costly than just paying the fine.
  17. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=61288 Try again
  18. You can score a 1st Gen Firebird a lot cheaper than a Camaro - something to consider. Well, excluding special models, like a 69 T/A, of course.
  19. You can also just do a file search on the iPod and pull them straight from it if you would like to avoid iTunes.
  20. I just found an agreement online that looked good for my rental. Free and easy. I can e-mail you a copy if you'd like.
  21. It is a lot of airspace on all electric problem.
  22. Actually, looking at the picture closer, it depends on how the terminals are wired. If the 2nd line goes on 5, then you would wire into green/gray (treating gray like it is red). If not, you will hit yellow/black on terminal 3. If the line is active on terminal 5, you should be able to hit a test phone on that jack. Otherwise, you'd have to have test leads or a 2-line phone if it is on yellow/black on terminal 3 in order to hear dial tone. My assumption is that block is set for 4 pairs of wires to hit the box, and it depends on what is activated. You can make a ghetto test lead by simply taking a silver satin core, cutting off an end, and stripping back red/green to toss on the posts to test for dial tone.
  23. Try having a $520 electric bill for 1 month and tell me how much you love it.
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